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Please make yourself comfortable. Before we begin, please complete the CAPA Examiner Quiz.

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1 Please make yourself comfortable. Before we begin, please complete the CAPA Examiner Quiz

2 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 2 January 2013 California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) Train-the-Trainer Workshop: Training CAPA Examiners

3 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 3 January 2013 Objectives Participants will train examiners to accurately and consistently:  Prepare for the CAPA  Administer the CAPA  Score the CAPA  Return the CAPA Handout (H) Page 1

4 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 4 January 2013 Agenda Introductions Training California content standards and CAPA blueprints Preparing Administering the CAPA Scoring the CAPA After-test procedures Q & A H 1

5 What’s New in 2013? If student is in ungraded program, determine grade by subtracting 5 from student’s age as of November 1, 2012. Answer document  No SEID  No section 14, CBEDS Enrollment  Section 17, English-learner program participation definitions  Restored A1 for reporting irregularities January 2013 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 5

6 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 6 January 2013 Training CAPA Examiners Required ANNUALLY. Train before testing window opens. Tips :  Active learning Practice Discuss Problem-solve  Repetition Quiz (Q) Question #1 H 1

7 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 7 January 2013 Standards provide the basis of instruction and testing. In 2006 the State Board of Education adopted new blueprints for CAPA. CAPA Level I blueprints link to grades K–1 of California content standards and include two additional grade 2 science content standards. Levels II–V blueprints link to grade-level (grades 2– 11) California content standards. CAPA blueprints can be found on the CDE Web site at: H 2 California Content Standards and CAPA Blueprints

8 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 8 California Content Standards and CAPA Blueprints Sample of grade 6 English–Language Arts (ELA) Strand: Reading/Word Analysis Standard: 6RW1.1: Word Recognition: Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately, and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression. Alternate Achievement Standard: Read a simple four-to-five word sentence composed of high-frequency words. H 2 January 2013

9 Preparing for CAPA Identify students. Select students for second rating. Select examiners. Select observers. Put information on non–Pre-ID answer documents. Prepare manipulatives and stimulus cards. 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 9 January 2013 H 3−5

10 January 2013 Preparing: Are Correct Students Identified for CAPA? Has significant cognitive disabilities Has individualized education program (IEP) Is served under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Meets eligibility guidelines  CAPA Examiner’s Manual — Appendix A  Assigned correct CAPA level H 3 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 10

11 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 11 January 2013 All students take ELA and mathematics. Only students in grades 5, 8, and 10 take science. Preparing: CAPA Levels LevelGrades Age Ranges for Ungraded Programs I2─117─16 II2─37─8 III4─59─10 IV6─811─13 V9─1114─16 H 3

12 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 12 Students enrolled in grade 11 who repeat grade 11 for multiple years continue to take the CAPA Level I or Level V until:  Enrolled in grade 12 (or)  Turn 22 years of age and are no longer receiving compensatory education Preparing: CAPA Levels H 3 January 2013

13 Preparing: Students in Ungraded Classrooms To determine a student’s grade (for ungraded programs), subtract 5 from student’s age as of November 1, 2012. Formula: (age – 5 = grade) Example: Chris is 12 years old. Subtract 5 from 12 to calculate the grade for CAPA testing. Chris would take Level IV. Formula: 12 – 5 = 7 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 13 January 2013 H 3

14 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 14 January 2013 Preparing: Do Your Examiners and Observers Have the Correct Qualifications? Licensed or certificated Experienced working with students to be tested with the CAPA Trained either by attending a “live” session or watching the online video segments ( Signed security affidavit H 3

15 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 15 January 2013 Preparing: Purpose of Observers Increase objectivity Data used to document interrater reliability Provide credibility/confidence to scores H 3

16 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 16 January 2013 Preparing: Double Rating Choose students randomly at each school/site (including at NPS).  10% per CAPA level per school/site  At least one student at each level tested  Selected students should be double rated in all content areas tested Observe at same time as examiner scores. Observers must score independently of examiner. Q 2 H 3

17 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 17 January 2013 Use blank from overage. Observers must mark sections. 1 – Name, etc. 3 – Date of Birth 5 – Name 6 – Gender 7a – CAPA Level 7b – Grade 11 – Student ID 12a – SSID Preparing To Administer the CAPA Observers’ Answer Doc H 4

18 Preparing All Answer Docs: Must Mark Whether Pre-ID or Not 1 Hand-write  Student Name  Test Examiner  School  District 4 Version 7a CAPA Level 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 18 January 2013 H 4

19 Preparing Answer Documents: CAPA Level 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 19 January 2013 Mark correct level Not counted if out of level H 4

20 January 2013 Preparing Materials Read Examiner’s Manual. Gather manipulatives for correct version. Cut stimulus cards and have them available in the correct order.  To obtain stimulus cards online, contact STAR TAC Have an answer document for every student. If no Pre-ID, demographics must be hand-marked. Prepare adaptations.  For students with additional disabilities  Must be same as in classroom H 5 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 20

21 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 21 January 2013 Administering the CAPA Task preparation  Set up manipulatives and/or stimulus cards.  Must be in exact order specified (left to right and/or top to bottom). Cue/directions  Must be read exactly as printed. H 6

22 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 22 January 2013 Administering CAPA Level I Up to 5 cues given Up to 3 prompts given If no response after verbal/gestural prompt, then modeled prompt only If no response after modeled prompt, then hand- over-hand Student must answer independently after hand- over-hand or any prompt Q 3, 4 H 6, 7

23 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 23 January 2013 Cue/Directions: Level I Prompts 1.Give cue/directions.  Wait minimum of 5 seconds for verbal response; wait minimum of 7 seconds for physical response.  If student responds (correct or not), STOP. 2.Repeat cue/directions ONCE.  Wait minimum of 5 seconds for verbal response; wait minimum of 7 seconds for physical response.  If student responds (correct or not), STOP. H 6

24 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 24 January 2013 Cue/Directions: Level I Prompts 3. Give a verbal/gestural prompt, repeat cue/directions.  Wait.  If student responds (correct or not), STOP. 4. Give a modeled prompt, reset objects, repeat cue/directions.  Wait.  If student responds (correct or not) respond, STOP. 5. Use hand-over-hand prompt, reset objects, repeat cue/directions.  Wait.  If student responds (correct or not) or does not respond, STOP. H 6 Q 5

25 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 25 January 2013 [explaining Level I video]

26 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 26 January 2013 Practice Use the flowchart on page 7 of the handout. Work with a partner and explain to one another how to administer CAPA Level I. H 6, 7

27 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 27 Administering CAPA Levels II–V Give cue. Repeat cue only once, if necessary. NO prompts are given. Q 6 H 8 January 2013

28 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 28 January 2013 Cue/Directions: Levels II–V Prompts Cue/direction  Wait minimum 5 seconds for verbal response; wait minimum 7 seconds for physical response  If student responds (correct or not), STOP. Repeat cue/direction  Wait minimum 5 seconds for verbal response; wait minimum 7 seconds for physical response  STOP. Go to next task in question. H 8

29 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 29 January 2013 [explaining levels II–V video]

30 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 30 Practice Use the flowchart on page 8 of the handout. Work with a partner and explain to one another how to administer CAPA Levels II–V. What are the differences between administering CAPA Level I and CAPA Levels II–V? H 8 January 2013

31 BREAK 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 31 January 2013

32 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 32 January 2013 Scoring: Rubrics Scoring points Level I : Based on prompting required for student to complete task  Score 1–5 Levels II–V: Based on number of correct responses  Score 1–4 H 9

33 CAPA Answer Circles Level I only: score of 5 is possible 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 33 January 2013 H 9 Q 7

34 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 34 Scoring CAPA Level I Correct answer with first or second cue, score 5 Correct with verbal/gestural prompt, score 4 Correct with modeled prompt, score 3 Correct with hand-over-hand prompt, score 2 Orients to task or wrong answer given, score 1 No response at any time, score NR January 2013 H 9 Q 8, 9

35 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 35 January 2013 [Level I math, Aaron video]

36 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 36 January 2013 Practice Scoring CAPA Level I See trainer model with Aaron video. Using the video clip, ELA (apple and shoe), Jasper:  Plan a practice session on scoring.  Give directions for the practice to a partner.  Give feedback on how the partner scored Jasper. H 10−12

37 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 37 January 2013 [Level I ELA, Jasper video]

38 Scoring Levels II–V Rubric unique to task  Provided with each task Based on number of questions within the task (cue/directions) Example: ELA, Level III: Read a given story; ask the 4 questions about the story.  Scoring Rubric: (4) Completes task with 100% accuracy (3) Partially completes task (2–3 correct) (2) Minimally completes task (1 correct) (1) Attempts task 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 38 January 2013 H 13

39 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 39 January 2013 [Level III Math, Steven video]

40 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 40 January 2013 Practice CAPA Levels III and V See trainer model with mathematics, Level III, Steven video. Using the video clip, science, Level V, Luis:  Plan a practice session on scoring.  Give directions for the practice to a partner.  Give feedback to how the partner scored Luis. H 13 − 15

41 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 41 January 2013 [Level V, science, Luis video]

42 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 42 January 2013 After-test Procedures: Answer Document Section A2 Special Conditions A The student was absent for regular and makeup testing. E The student was not tested because of a significant medical emergency. F The student became ill while taking this test, had to leave the room, and was unable to return and complete the test. L The student enrolled after the first day of testing and was given this test. H 16

43 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 43 January 2013 After-test Procedures: Answer Document Section A2 Special Conditions M The student was enrolled on the first day of testing but moved before this test was administered or completed. P The student was not tested by parent/guardian request. T Student enrolled on the first day of testing and was not given this test because a staff member verified that the student had taken the test at a previous school. Y This document replaces a lost or destroyed answer document. H 16

44 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 44 January 2013 After-test Procedures Section A4—English Learner Test Variations  A: The test examiner used a language other than English to administer the CAPA to the student. Complete name, sign, date, and mark “Examiner” or “Observer” to attest training received Q 10 H 16

45 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 45 January 2013 Summary Training Standards Preparation  Selecting CAPA students  Selecting CAPA examiners  Observers  Answer documents  Materials Administration Scoring After-test procedures Complete evaluation

46 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 46 January 2013 Quiz Answers 1. a 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. d 6. b 7. a 8.d 9.b 10.b

47 2013 STAR CAPA Train-the-Trainer Workshop || Slide 47 January 2013 For more information go to: To access online stimulus cards, contact STAR TAC: 800-955-2954 or

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