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Essential Question: How did the Renaissance Change Man’s View of Man?

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question: How did the Renaissance Change Man’s View of Man?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question: How did the Renaissance Change Man’s View of Man?
October 24th 2013 Learning Target: Students will work in collaborative groups to analyze and complete the document based question: How did the Renaissance change man’s view of man? Agenda DBQ for today Go over documents Begin bucketing and planning paper/essay DO NOT WRITE ON DBQ PACKETS!!! Essential Question: How did the Renaissance Change Man’s View of Man?

2 Discussion Questions:
CNN Student News 1. What are some of the principal bodies of the United Nations? 2. What are some of the duties of these groups? Discussion Questions: 1. What questions do you have about recent news stories involving school violence? What concerns you about this issue? What school security measures are you familiar with? In your view, what else could be done to help students feel safe at school? When you discuss school violence with your family and friends, what comes up?

3 Bucketing Bucket A-1st Way the Renaissance Changed Man’s View of Man: ART Bucket B- 2nd Way the Renaissance Changed Man’s View of Man: Literature Bucket C- 3rd Way the Renaissance Changed Man’s View of Man: Astronomy Bucket D- 4th Way the Renaissance Changed Man’s View of Man: Anatomy

4 Thesis Development and Road Map
Art Literature Astronomy Anatomy The Renaissance changed man’s view of man in at least four areas:

5 A THESIS IS: a statement or theory that is put forward as a argument to be maintained or proved using facts and research. The road map is the plan for your essay Each chicken foot stands for one paragraph

6 Paragraph 1 Grabber Give background on the Renaissance
Stating the question with key terms defined: that means restate the question in different words- Thesis and roadmap- The thesis is: The renaissance changed man’s view of man in at least four ways: through art, through literature, through astronomy, and through anatomy.

7 Paragraph 2 Baby thesis for bucket 1- Change in man’s view of man can be seen in renaissance paintings and other art. Give evidence from document A- medieval art was manly religious and non-realistic. There were few facial features in the art of the middle ages. Few facial features meant that humans were not the important subject of the art. Renaissance art focused on inner life. Shading, natural folds, and human expression gave life to humans as the subject of art during the Renaissance. Argument- The focus on detail in the art reflected new interest in the human as an individual; real life personalities where now exaggerated.

8 Paragraph 3 Baby Thesis for Document B Evidence from doc B- Argument-

9 Paragraph 4 Baby Thesis from Doc C- Evidence from Doc C Argument

10 Paragraph 5 Baby Thesis from Doc D Evidence from Doc D Argument

11 Paragraph 6 Conclusion:
Example- Renaissance more than painting, literature, astronomy, and anatomy. Also opened the door for reformation, the scientific revolution, and even political change. All of this sprang from the big Renaissance idea that the most interesting element of mankind was man himself.

12 Media Literacy Question of the Day:
How can news organizations effectively convey images of modern-day slavery? What effects might these images have on viewers?

13 Renaissance Terms Middle Ages- the period of European history from the fall of the Roman Empire in the West (5th century) to the fall of Constantinople (1453), or, more narrowly, from c to 1453. Monasteries- building or buildings occupied by a community of monks living under religious vows. Illiteracy- the inability to read or write. Serfs-an agricultural laborer bound under the feudal system to work on his lord's estate Humanism- an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems.

14 CNN Student News Discussion Questions
1. What are some ways in which the national economy might have an impact on a local economy, and vice versa? 2.How can you tell how well your local economy is doing? 3.What media would you use to find this information? Fast Facts: How well were you listening to today's program? 1. What different reports were released regarding the U.S. economy? 2. How did Americans respond to a poll on the economy?

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