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How to organize and Write a DBQ Essay

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1 How to organize and Write a DBQ Essay
Follow these guidelines to write DBQ Essay

2 Task One Bucketing Bucket 1-civil disobedience
Bucket 2-Accepting Jail Time Bucket 3- Embracing the Enemy Bucket Labels

3 Task Two: Thesis Development and Road Map
The Chicken Foot Disciplined civil disobedience Gandhi used at least three different tactics to make nonviolence work: Accepting jail time peacefully Embracing the enemy

4 Your essay will have five (5) body paragraphs!
1 2 3 4 5

5 Create a Title that works
Example What Made Gandhi’s non-violent movement work?

6 Paragraph # 1 1st have a grabber- (something interesting to grab readers attention) 2nd give background information to the reader-you can use the background essay! 3rd restate the question with key terms defined- What Made Gandhi’s non-violent movement work? Define (non-violent) Define (work)Example: What made Gandhi’s peaceful movement a success? 4th write down your thesis and roadmap: use the chicken foot because that is the thesis and roadmap! (There were at least three keys to Gandhi’s success in leading a nonviolent movement: disciplined civil disobedience, peaceful acceptance of jail time, and embracing the enemy).

7 Paragraph #2 1st start it with a baby thesis –the first thing on your chicken foot- (One key tactic was disciplined civil disobedience) 2nd give evidence from the documents to support that baby thesis: (pull out facts to support statement) 3rd Argument that baby thesis is true- now use your facts from the documents to argue that what you said is true! Prove it!

8 Paragraph #3 1st start it with a baby thesis –the second thing on your chicken foot- (accepting jail time peacefully) 2nd give evidence from the documents to support that baby thesis: (pull out facts to support statement) 3rd Argument that baby thesis is true- now use your facts from the documents to argue that what you said is true! Prove it!

9 Paragraph #4 1st start it with a baby thesis –the third thing on your chicken foot- (Embracing the enemy ) 2nd give evidence from the documents to support that baby thesis: (pull out facts to support statement) 3rd Argument that baby thesis is true- now use your facts from the documents to argue that what you said is true! Prove it!

10 Paragraph #5 Conclusion: End the essay Sum it up
Restate thesis and main idea of essay Don’t forget this paragraph Don’t leave reader on cliff hanger

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