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KILOWATT KIDZ BY: MAX NOLLEDO. KILOWATT KIDZ Adults from Eco-cycle come in and teach kids different and unique techniques on how to save energy. Some.

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Presentation on theme: "KILOWATT KIDZ BY: MAX NOLLEDO. KILOWATT KIDZ Adults from Eco-cycle come in and teach kids different and unique techniques on how to save energy. Some."— Presentation transcript:


2 KILOWATT KIDZ Adults from Eco-cycle come in and teach kids different and unique techniques on how to save energy. Some ways are to turn off lights when not using it or use cfl’s instead of regular light bulbs.

3 RIDING BIKES AND TURNING OFF LIGHTS When riding bikes many things happen like you save gas by not using a car. Also you save money by not buying gas and with no gas there’s less air pollution. Also instead of using artificial light, use sunlight to fill a room to save even more energy! When doing this there’s also less light pollution.

4 CFLS CFL’s (compact fluorescent lighting) is a great way to save energy because they give off the same amount of light as an incandescent light bulb but saves more energy.

5 VAMPIRE ENERGY Vampire energy is a extra bit of energy being spent when some electronics and appliances are turned off. These electronics spend small amounts of energy when they are turned off. You can counter this by unplugging those certain electronics.

6 ENERGY STAR Energy Star is a energy conservation company that creates television sets and appliances that save more energy than other appliances created by different companies.

7 KILL—A---WATT ELECTRICITY MONITOR A kill-a-watt electricity monitor is a electronic device that has a outlet that when you pug in a male end (electrical prongs) it measures how much energy it uses when it is on or off. It also measures how much money it costs you per hour.

8 POWER STRIPS Power strips are a strip of plastic with multiple outlets on its surface. This makes it easier to plug in electronics. When electronics are plugged in you can power everything off easily.

9 INSULATION Insulation is a padding that goes in the tight and empty spaces in the wall to keep your house warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It does this by trapping the hotness and/or the coolness inside of your house. This makes you have less use of your thermostat so you can save money.

10 THANK YOU Questions?

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