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Questionnaire Construction Guidelines C/IL 102 Dr. Beidler.

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Presentation on theme: "Questionnaire Construction Guidelines C/IL 102 Dr. Beidler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Questionnaire Construction Guidelines C/IL 102 Dr. Beidler

2 Questionnaire Construction  Avoiding human subjects issues  Types of responses to questions  Demographic questions  QMS

3 Human Subjects  You cannot ask questions regarding a person’s preferences, desires, and interests on delicate or private matters –How much booze do you drink each night? –Are you straight, bi, or gay? –What is your drug of choice?

4 Human Subjects  You can ask them what they think –How many beers do you think a typical sophomore drinks on weekend? –What percentage of the University do you think is straight? –What do you believe is the college student drug of choice?

5 Types of Responses Easy Analysis  Radio Buttons Exactly one response  Check Boxes Many responses (none to all) Hard Analysis  Text Boxes Small free form response  Text Areas Large free form response

6 Types of Responses  Radio responses –You want most of your questions to have this type of response –Select exactly one of two or more choices –Example:  Yes | No  Female | Male  Freshman | Sophomore | Junior | Senior | Other  Scaled: Terrible | Bad | OK | Good | Great Scales of 5 choices seem to work best.

7 Types of Responses  Check box responses –You may want to have some of these –Choose zero or more from a list –May include others options. –Examples:  List of sports  List of foods  Include others so the client can fill in the sports you forgot

8 Types of Responses  Free form responses –Text box  Space for a word or phrase –Text area  Space for an extended response  Useful in a real questionnaire as a space for detailed responses  Keep these types of responses to a minimum –Hard to quantify.

9 Demographic Questions  Questions that quantify your audience  Demographics provide a standard for measuring other responses.  Use radio responses –Gender –Class –College –Home state  Choose a few of these that are appropriate for your questionnaire. –Age [Radio groups <18 [18,19] … –Avoid race, religion, … –Don’t forget others

10 Using QMS  Building a questionnaire –Initialize  Title  Brief description –Build/Edit  Finalize  Populate  Analyze

11 QMS

12 Team Formation Title : Abstract : Team members : Create Form

13 Team Formation  All errors during team formation will significantly reduce the grade for that part of the assignment for all team members. NO EXCEPTIONS  The Abstract: A couple of sentences that provide a basic overview and might entice people to complete your questionnaire.

14 Building A Questionnaire  Add entries one at a time –Select type of entry with radio button on the left –Fill in corresponding information on the right –Submit addition

15 Building A Questionnaire  Add entries one at a time –Select type of entry with radio button on the left –Fill in corresponding information on the right –Submit addition

16 Building A Questionnaire  Five types of entries –Statements  For inserting explanations and directions –Radio Button Group –Check box group –Text box –Text area

17 Building A Questionnaire


19  As items are added a sample of the questionnaire appears at the top of the page  Questions may be moved around or deleted

20 Building A Questionnaire

21  No one can access your questionnaire while you are editing  It must finalized to be made available.

22 Building A Questionnaire

23 Using QMS  Once your questionnaire is finalized then others can reply to it  Email your friends –Have them email their friends  Have them email their friends –Have them email their friends  …

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