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Regulations for title slide: 1)title this power point slide with your assigned registration number, example: 10-000.ppt 2)the intent of this title slide.

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Presentation on theme: "Regulations for title slide: 1)title this power point slide with your assigned registration number, example: 10-000.ppt 2)the intent of this title slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulations for title slide: 1)title this power point slide with your assigned registration number, example: 10-000.ppt 2)the intent of this title slide is to identify the entry name/client, architect/firm, contractor, or collaboration with UNL College of Architecture students. 3)delete this text box prior to submission.

2 regulations for image slides: 1)requirement of up to 10 images max, (not including title slide) within these 10 one site plan, one representative of a floor plan are required. Detail: 10 images max (not including title slide) of choice for detail category, 3 overall project, 7 specific detail. 2)provide a brief slide description in the bottom space provided. no project or client names please. 3)no firm name, architect, may appear on any part of the power point presentation, with the exception of the title slide. 4)Images must not be enhanced. 5)Delete this text box prior to submission.

3 slide description









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