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Progressivism (1900-1920) pragmatism. Topics or questions Definitions, explanations Quick Answer Questions Progressivism (1900-1920)

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Presentation on theme: "Progressivism (1900-1920) pragmatism. Topics or questions Definitions, explanations Quick Answer Questions Progressivism (1900-1920)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Progressivism (1900-1920) pragmatism

2 Topics or questions Definitions, explanations Quick Answer Questions Progressivism (1900-1920)

3 Origins of Progressivism I. Political reform Pendleton Act Interstate Commerce Act Sherman Anti-Trust Act II. Social Reform Women’s Suffrage Temperance Movement Labor Unions Populism

4 III. Social sciences sociology psychology IV. Scientific management Taylorism Think Tanks

5 Quick Answers 1.Which of the 4 Origins of Progressivism had the biggest impact on everyday life? 2.Why?

6 Philosophy pragmatism laissez-faire Social Darwinism Charles Darwin Socialism

7 Causes & Targets conservation Growth of Industry Growth of Cities Consumer Protection Environmental Protection socialism anarchy

8 Goals The people have spoken! Government back to the people end abuse of power and social injustice regulate business Motives radicalism

9 3. The Populist and the Progressive movements were similar in their approaches to reform in that both A.supported the return of powers to the state governments B.promoted the use of violent strikes and protests against big business organizations C.opposed the strict laissez-faire attitudes of the federal government D.lobbied for immediate social and economic equality for African Americans Quick Answers

10 Architects of change 1. Muckrakersnational movement

11 2. Photographers Lewis Hine Jacob Riis How the Other Half Lives

12 3. Social Gospel Movement preached salvation through service to the poor Rauschenbusch middle class

13 Jane Addams Hull House 4. Women/ Social Workers Ellen Gates Starr Frances Willard Temperance movement Carry Nation

14 5. Universities/Wisconsin Idea Robert La Follette

15 4. Which event of the early 1900’s is evidence that Upton Sinclair’s novel The Jungle had an important impact on the United States? A.adoption of reforms in public education B.passage of legislation limiting immigration C.adoption of the 18th amendment establishing Prohibition D.passage of legislation requiring Federal inspection of meat Quick Answers

16 5. Who had a greater impact on society during the Progressive Era muckrakers or photographers? 6.Why? Quick Answers

17 Local and State Reforms 1. Australian Ballot (secret ballot) 2. direct primaries

18 3. initiative 4. referendum patronage graft 5. recall

19 4. city commission5. city manager Mayor elected City Council elected City Manager Hired Police Dept. Sanitation Dept. Fire Dept.

20 7. Which heading best completes the partial outline below? I._______________________ Secret ballot Direct election of senators Recall Referendum A.Checks and Balances B.Unwritten Constitution C.Progressive Reforms D.Universal Suffrage Quick Answers 8.Progressive Era reforms such as the initiative, referendum, and recall attempted to A.increase the power of citizens in state and local government B.reestablish the system of checks and balances C.provide low-interest loans to farmers D.expand voting rights to Native Americans

21 Tin Pan Alley

22 Progressive Presidents Progressive Presidents 1901-1920 Civil Rights Teddy Roosevelt William Howard Taft Woodrow Wilson

23 Teddy Roosevelt The Modern President Bully Pulpit regulation TrustBusting Northern Securities 1902 Coal Strike Hepburn Act 1906 Square Deal = Progressive reforms Meat Inspection Act ’06 Pure Food & Drug Act ’06 Conservation arbitration

24 Conservation 90 Trusts Payne-Aldrich TARIFF Republican Teddy Roosevelt Bull Moose Woodrow Wilson Democrats Conservation Mann-Elkins Act William Howard Taft Election of 1912

25 Woodrow Wilson 12 districts New Freedom Clayton Antitrust Act 1914 Federal Trade Commission Unfair Business Practices Tariffs 16th Amendment Graduated Income Tax Federal Reserve System 19th Amendment Suffrage

26 9. President Theodore Roosevelt’s Square Deal and President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society were similar in that both A.returned control of social welfare programs to the states B.relied on individual initiative to improve the economy C.were supported by Congress over the objections of the majority of state governments D.increased the role of the Federal Government in dealing with social and economic problems Quick Answers 10. A belief shared by Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, and Woodrow Wilson is that the Federal Government should A.allow the free-enterprise system to work without regulation B.use its power to regulate unfair business practices C.provide jobs for unemployed workers unions in labor- management disputes

27 Failings of Progressivism 1. Civil Rights Booker T. Washington Atlanta Compromise gradual change Tuskegee Institute Niagara Movement Immediate inclusion NAACP National Urban League

28 2. Immigration The Dillingham Commission reading and writing test

29 11. How successful was the Progressive movement in fixing the problems caused by the Gilded Age? All Write

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