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Q1 Day 6: Hinduism. Define reincarnation. Why do some religions believe in it?

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Presentation on theme: "Q1 Day 6: Hinduism. Define reincarnation. Why do some religions believe in it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Q1 Day 6: Hinduism

2 Define reincarnation. Why do some religions believe in it?

3 Classroom Caste System green paper (Bhramin) blue paper (Kshatryia) red paper (Viasya) yellow paper (Sudra) purple paper (Untouchable)

4 Caste System Rules Brahman- Help with reincarnation ceremony and get best seats in the class. Kshatriya- Read when called upon, write on the board, and answer questions. Vaishya- Pass out and collect papers. Sudras- Do what the Brahman tell you to do. Sit in the back of the room. Untouchables- Pick up trash and clean up messes that the other classes make. Sit on the floor in the front of the room.

5 What does the term social class mean to you? What “classes” do you think exist in America today? Are you born into these classes? Do most people stay in the same class their whole life? Is it possible to change social class? And if so how?

6 Vedic Age Around 3,000 years ago a light skinned ethnic group called Aryans moved into India After conquering the local people they created a social class system to keep them subjugated – The Caste System Their beliefs as well as the beliefs of the non- Aryan inhabitants of India became the religion we no know as Hinduism.

7 Basics of Hinduism Hindus see religion as a way of liberating the soul from the illusions, disappointments, and mistakes of everyday existence. There is no one founder of Hinduism and the beliefs cannot be traced back to one source.

8 Upanishads Between 750 BCE and 550 BCE, Hindu teachers attempted to interpret Vedic beliefs. These comments were written down and became known as the Upanishads. These are dialogues that explore how a person can achieve liberation from desires and suffering. Led to the idea of moska or a state of perfect understanding.

9 The Caste System 4 Social Classes – Brahmin– Priests – Warriors/ Kings – Traders and landowners (rich) – Peasants 1 class was not even considered human – Untouchables Could not change class Your class determined who you married and socialized with

10 Reincarnation Hindu’s belief that when the soul (atman) leaves the body it finds a new home The new home is based on the actions (karma) of the last life If a soul progressed far enough it could reach freedom (moksha)

11 Reincarnation ceremony!

12 Moksha – Brahmin– Priests – Warriors/ Kings – Traders and landowners (rich) – Peasants – Mammals – Reptiles – Insects – Plants – Rocks – Untouchables

13 The Mahabharata Classic Epic about two sides of a family fighting for power One part was the most important– Bhagavad Gita – Arjuana talking with Krishna – Does not want to fight his own family

14 More basic beliefs To move up the “ladder” one must perform the acts necessary of the caste. Polytheistic (believed in many gods) – Shiva – Vishnu

15 Project Update Conferences in the library today Due Sept 7 th (Two Weeks) Final library day is next Thursday Must have a Works Cited Page You will be graded on… – the accuracy of the history – your “analysis” of historical information – the look of the board

16 Christianity Foundation Major beliefs Important people Where it was practiced Important books The Protestant Reformation Major beliefs (How was this different than in the past) Important people Where it was practiced during this period (How was this different than in the past) Important books Today Major beliefs (How was this different than in the past) Important people Where it was practiced (How was this different than in the past) Important books

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