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Strategic Plan 2015 -2019 Adopted at 20 April 2015 Committee meeting.

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1 Strategic Plan 2015 -2019 Adopted at 20 April 2015 Committee meeting

2 PREAMBLE Why we need a Strategic Plan GPTC is a successful, volunteer run club which has for many years provided great enjoyment to its members through access to its tennis facilities and activities. But GPTC also has broader responsibilities as the custodian of public land and facilities subsidised by ratepayers to provide positive social/recreational participation opportunities to the citizens of Boroondara. These broader responsibilities will come into sharper focus with the opening of our new $1.8 million council funded club house in mid-2015. This new facility creates great opportunities to further benefit the club and its members, but also accentuates the need to ensure the asset is well managed and utilised in the best interests of members and the local community. A Strategic Plan is needed to provide a vision of what we want to be as a club and a sense of direction about how to get there. It is not intended to be too prescriptive or detailed but should provide a reference framework to guide more specific business and budget planning undertaken by the GPTC Committee on an annual basis.

3 PREAMBLE (cont.) Situational analysis Strengths Stable membership base and active committee New clubhouse on the way and all six courts with lights Strong junior coaching program Weaknesses No clear strategy to rejuvenate/grow membership Inward focus/lack of integration with local community Opportunities Capitalise on the new clubhouse facilities and court lights to attract and retain new membership (particularly juniors) and connect more strongly with the local community Threats Gradual decline in membership/leakage to other sports Failure to capitalise on new facilities/perception of elitism/alienation from local community Trend away from volunteer based clubs to user pays facilities

4 VISION We will be a vibrant, well managed, growing tennis club with a broad ranging membership and positive recognition in the local community. With our excellent facilities, inclusive community-minded approach and opportunities for participation by players of all abilities, we will be a positive role model for other clubs.

5 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Broaden and grow our membership base 2. Develop and maintain high quality club facilities 3. Promote effective utilisation of club facilities by members and the local community 4. Maintain good governance and financial security for the club 5. Improve the profile of the club in the local community

6 STRATEGIES AND ACTIONS 1. Broaden and grow our membership base Investigate measures to encourage a flow of juniors from Simon’s coaching to club competition Market the club to local schools Introduce “mini-mee” membership for U10s [Year 1 priority] Review club membership structure and introduce other new categories (e.g. night competition only) [Year 1 priority] Introduce “twilight tennis” [Year 1 priority] Introduce W.I.T.C.H.E.S@Night to encourage women to engage with tennis [Year 1 priority]

7 STRATEGIES AND ACTIONS (cont.) 2. Develop and maintain high quality club facilities Progressively upgrade clubhouse furniture Investigate provision of “wi-fi” access in the clubhouse [Year 1 priority] Investigate replacement of fencing and shade cloth around the courts [Year 1 priority] Improve on-court facilities (e.g. chairs/benches/tables for courts 1 & 6, segregation nets between courts to separate coaching and social) Establish and communicate clear rules for maintaining cleanliness of the clubhouse [Year 1 priority] Establish and communicate clear rules for leaving the courts and surrounds in good order [Year 1 priority] Establish and maintain a regular program of working bees [Year 1 priority]

8 STRATEGIES AND ACTIONS (cont.) 3. Promote effective utilisation of club facilities by members and the local community Investigate measures to encourage appropriate community use of the new clubhouse [Year 1 priority] Introduce and communicate a new “use of clubhouse” policy [Year 1 priority] Investigate use of social media channels (e.g. Facebook, Mobile Apps, etc.) to encourage member participation in club activities Encourage social play (e.g. on Sundays) Design and conduct a survey of club members about what they need/want /want changed/are happy with

9 STRATEGIES AND ACTIONS (cont.) 4. Maintain good governance and financial security for the club Actively identify and encourage future club committee participants (players, non-players, parents/guardians, juniors) Recognise contributions to the club from committee members and other office holders Introduce a swipe card security system to control access to facilities for members [Year 1 priority] Review and adjust membership and other fees to underpin ongoing club operations [Year 1 priority] Investigate and pursue other revenue streams for the club (e.g. corporate sponsorship/advertising, fundraising events, government grants, special levies for new/upgraded facilities) [Year 1 priority]

10 STRATEGIES AND ACTIONS (cont.) 5. Improve the profile of the club in the local community Plan and implement a well publicised event to launch the new clubhouse [Year 1 priority] Investigate club sponsorship of a local charity/cause Implement an “access tennis” program for disadvantaged children in Boroondara [Year 1 priority] Establish and maintain good relationships with council, councillors, local members of parliament and other local community groups to foster cooperation and support for future club initiatives/developments

11 Summary of Year 1 (2015-16) priority initiatives 1. Introduce “mini-mee” membership for U10s 2. Review club membership structure and introduce other new categories (e.g. night competition only) 3. Introduce “twilight tennis” 4. Introduce W.I.T.C.H.E.S@Night to encourage women to engage with tennis [Year 1 priority] 5. Investigate provision of “wi-fi” access in the clubhouse 6. Investigate replacement of fencing and shade cloth around the courts 7. Establish and communicate clear rules for maintaining cleanliness of the clubhouse 8. Establish and communicate clear rules for leaving the courts and surrounds in good order 9. Establish and maintain a regular program of working bees 10. Investigate measures to encourage appropriate community use of the new clubhouse 11. Introduce and communicate a new “use of clubhouse” policy 12. Introduce a swipe card security system to control access to facilities for members 13. Review and adjust membership and other fees to underpin ongoing club operations 14. Investigate and pursue other revenue streams for the club (e.g. corporate sponsorship/advertising, fundraising events, government grants, special levies for new/upgraded facilities) 15. Plan and implement a well publicised event to launch the new clubhouse 16. Implement an “access tennis” program for disadvantaged children in Boroondara

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