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Joint Special Operations University

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1 Joint Special Operations University
Joint Operation Planning Process (JOPP) Course of Action (COA) Decision Brief Format This Briefing is: UNCLASSIFIED Operational Studies Department JSOWC-SOPC UNCLASSIFIED

2 COA Decision Brief JP 5-0 Aug 2011 (IV-41)
Purpose of the briefing Opposing situation Strength Composition Location and disposition Reinforcements Logistics Time and space factors Combat efficiency Friendly situation Mission Statement Commanders intent statement d.

3 COA Decision Brief (Con’t) JP 5-0 Aug 2011 (IV-41)
Operational concepts and COAs Any change from mission analysis in the following areas Assumptions Limitations Adversary and friendly COGs Phasing of the operation (if phased) Lines of operations/lines of effort Present COA. As a minimum, discuss: COA#___ (short names) COA statement (brief concept of the operation) COA architecture Task Organization Command Relationships Organization of the operational area Major differences between each COA Summaries of COA d.

4 COA Decision Brief (Con’t) JP 5-0 Aug 2011 (IV-41)
COA analysis Review of the JPG wargaming effort Add considerations from own experiences COA Comparisons Description of the comparison criteria and comparison methodology Weigh strengths and weaknesses with respect to comparison criteria COA recommendations Staff Components

5 Opposing Situation Strength Composition Location and disposition
Reinforcements Logistics Time and space factors Combat efficiency

6 Opposing Situation Strength Composition Location and disposition

7 Opposing Situation (Con’t)
Reinforcements Logistics Time and space factors Combat efficiency

8 Friendly Situation & Mission Statement

9 Commanders Intent Statement
PJ 5-0, IV-26 Purpose Method End state JP5-0 states there is no set format but gives 2 examples

10 Commanders Intent Statement
JP 5-0, III-17 Purpose End state Operational risk Jp5-0 Gives two possible formats

11 Operational Concepts and COAs
Any change from mission analysis in the following areas: Assumptions Limitations Adversary and friendly COGs Phasing of the operation (if phased) Lines of operations/lines of effort

12 Present COAs. As a minimum, discuss
COA# (short names) COA statement (brief concept of the operation) COA sketch COA architecture Task Organization Command Relationships Organization of the operational area Major differences between each COA Summaries of COA

13 COA #1 COA statement (brief concept of the operation using sketch)
COA# 1 (short name) COA statement (brief concept of the operation using sketch)

14 COA #1 Architecture Task Organization

15 COA #1 Architecture Command Relationships

16 COA #1 Architecture Organization of AO

17 COA #2 COA statement (brief concept of the operation using sketch)
COA# 1 (short name) COA statement (brief concept of the operation using sketch)

18 COA #2 Architecture Task Organization

19 COA #2 Architecture Command Relationships

20 COA #2 Architecture Organization of AO

21 Major Differences Between Each COA
Summaries of COA

22 COA Analysis Add considerations of own experiences
Review of the JPGs wargaming efforts Add considerations of own experiences

23 COA Comparison Description of comparisons criteria and comparison methodology Use COA decision matrix Weigh strengths and weaknesses with respect to comparison criteria

24 Decision Matrix (Maximum matrix, higher score is better)
Criteria Wt COA 1 COA 2 Total UNCLASSIFIED

25 COA X and short name

26 COA X and short name

27 COA Recommendations Staff Components

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