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Baroque Period Theatre, Dance, Art.

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Presentation on theme: "Baroque Period Theatre, Dance, Art."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baroque Period Theatre, Dance, Art

2 Baroque Theatre- Opera
Created in Italy around 1600 as courtly entertainment Tragedies were staged as comedies to have happy endings st opera house opened in Venice, Italy Around two types of opera emerged: Opera Seria- Serious Opera- tragedies Opera Buffa- Funny Opera- comedies

3 Baroque Ballet Created in France by King Louis XIV
1661- Academie Royale de Danse First School of Dance Paris, France Oldest School of Dance, still exists today. Male Dancers Very strict and non- expressive in form

4 Baroque Art Extravangant in style
Lead to Rococo movement in French Art, Architecture, sculpture, painting, and decoration Mannerism- Art that showed grandeur & high style Rembrandt Dutch artist

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