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CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t HEPiX spring 2008 - Organisation Helge Meinhard / CERN-IT 05 May 2008.

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2 CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t HEPiX spring 2008 - Organisation Helge Meinhard / CERN-IT 05 May 2008

3 Welcome A warm welcome to all of you… by CERN and by the local organisers Vlado Bahyl, Fabienne Baud-Lavigne, Kristina Günne, Yasemin Hauser, Helge Meinhard, Alan Silverman Any help you need… ask us!

4 General Thanks to all registrants – more than 90 Thanks to session conveners Thanks to all speakers – more than 60 contributions Total allocated time: 28 hours, 20 minutes Heavily loaded agenda… hence –All: be on time in the morning and after the breaks –Speakers: Stay within your allocated time, allowing ~5 minutes of discussion –All: Defer more questions than fit into discussion slot to offline (e.g. coffee breaks)

5 Speakers’ hygiene Use presentation PC whenever possible –Avoid laptops, connecting and switching back and forth takes time Make slides available at least half a day before your session –Direct upload to Indico –Mail to and/or session convener with attachment(s) –(Last resort:) Hand USB stick to one of local organisers

6 Registrants’ packs Name tag –please wear it visibly, using the neck strip if you feel like Notepad Pen CERN map Geneva map Restaurant list If paid: receipt of conference fee, tickets for conference dinner on Wednesday night Not included: brochures about CERN-IT, LCG, the Grid… help yourself at the holder next to the registration desk

7 Logistics (1) All sessions in Council Chamber Lunch breaks (not included in conference fee) –About 12:30 h…12:45 h each day, until 14:00 h –Restaurant 1 (self-service): Traverse the hall, turn left, down the stairs, then 180  left On your way, on the right: kiosk, stairs down to toilets –Don’t rush all at the same time after the morning sessions –Alternative: Restaurant 2, opposite the computer centre –Council chamber will be locked during lunch breaks; however CERN does not take formal responsability

8 Logistics (2) Coffee breaks (included in conference fee) –About 10:30 h…10.45 h each day, 15:30 h each day except Friday; duration: 30 minutes –Served just outside Council Chamber CERN is a non-smoking place! Toilets (aka restrooms aka bathrooms) –On the way to restaurant 1 –Smaller ones at the end of the corridor, to the right: gentlemen before the corner, ladies behind

9 Logistics (3) Wireless network –ESSID: “CERN” –1 shared network Very large downloads not appreciated… –Prior registration and approval required Ask for first name ‘hepix2008’, family name ‘org’ as CERN guarantor Power outlets: 230 V 50 Hz, Swiss connectors –2 per table –Some power splitters –At the back, 2 large strips

10 Dinners Conference dinner: Wednesday 19:00 h –Restaurant Vieux Bois –Shuttle buses leave CERN at 18:30 h sharp –Bring your voucher – it will be collected Other evenings –CERN: Restaurant 1 –Restaurant list in pack

11 Transport in Geneva Rather well developed bus and tram system –Even getting better – tram being built between downtown Geneva and CERN –4 years of roadwork, we have just 1.5 years behind us Usual distances (CERN to downtown Geneva, CERN to airport etc. – not CERN to local France!) require a ‘Tout Genève’ ticket at 3.00 CHF Get ticket before you get on the bus/tram –Ticket machines at every bus stop –No change given; if you overpay, keep tickets – at three or four places in Geneva you can be re-imbursed Alternative to coins: multi-trip cards available at 20 CHF, 30 CHF and 50 CHF –Value is higher, e.g. 55 CHF for a card that costs 50 CHF –On sale at kiosk downstairs

12 Visit programme Fri pm Sorry, no experiments – tunnel closed as of May 1 st … Both visits go to France… LHC control centre: passport required –Prevessin site –Control of all accelerators and facility infrastructure –Shuttle bus for 30 people has been organised –Guide: Django Manglunki Computer centre: passport not compulsory –Meyrin site, –10 minutes’ walk (perhaps nice view to Montblanc!) –Maximum 36 people –Guides: Tony Cass, Bernd Panzer Lists at registration desk: Please confirm or correct your reservations Other things to visit: Microcosm (own initiative, over lunch?)

13 CERN IT Department CH-1211 Genève 23 Switzerland t

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