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Welcome to… The Environments of Galaxies: from kpc to Mpc.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to… The Environments of Galaxies: from kpc to Mpc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to… The Environments of Galaxies: from kpc to Mpc

2 Why are we here ?


4 Your Hosts: the extragalactic group at…

5 A Conference with a difference… Australian-based LOC Lots of discussion time Best poster competition

6 Conference Overview 8 Scientific Sessions over 4.5 days Wednesday afternoon free Questions/problems – see Michelle in the lunch room or Secretariat office LOC have Swinburne name badges on Check noticeboard for latest information Registration today…

7 Conference Centre WC TalksPosters Lunch Michelle Internet Office Dinner

8 Talks 8 Scientific Sessions 8 Invited talks (30 + 10mins) Contributed talks (20 + 10mins) See your session chair before your session starts to load up your talk

9 Posters Each poster has unique ID, eg 3.9 7 coffee sessions devoted to posters eg today’s afternoon coffee is posters session 1 (see full schedule on notice board) – bring coffee, chat to poster author Vote for the best poster and give forms to Michelle by the end of Thursday

10 Accommodation Final accommodation payments should be paid in the MAICh Office A – K Monday L – Z Tuesday Credit card payment +3% charge

11 Transport Free conference bus to Chania at the end of each day (see noticeboard) Local bus to Chania every 20mins until ~10:30pm (buy 1 euro ticket from the bar, wave down bus on the main road) No more conference buses to MAICh Local bus (to Souda) or taxi to MAICh

12 Food/Drink Breakfast at bar/restaurant Lunch/coffee at conference centre (except wednesday). Family members need to buy a 12/5 euro ticket from Michelle Dinner in Chania (except thursday) Lots of open-air restaurants in the Old Venetian Harbour area

13 Conference Dinner Thursday evening starting 7pm Family members need to buy a ticket from Michelle, cost 25 Euro Wine included, beer can be bought from the bar A talk on Minoan culture starts at 9pm Perseids meteor shower in the NE Bus departs for Chania at 11pm

14 Friday 9:10am talks start 6pm final messages Poster prizes! 7pm bus to Chania Olympics starts: Greek national holiday


16 Glen Mackie – a fair dinkum Aussie will now explain how to operate your stubbie holder…

17 Final Messages Thankyous Poster prizes Web site

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