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Tourism : A Challenge for Addressing Poverty San Salvador, El Salvador September 29, 30 2011.

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1 Tourism : A Challenge for Addressing Poverty San Salvador, El Salvador September 29, 30 2011

2 Overview of Trinidad and Tobagos Tourism Goals and Objectives for Sustainable Tourism Development Framework for Development: Policies and Plans Implementation of Tourism Projects through Partnerships Success Factors The Way Forward


4 Trinidad and Tobago is a twin island republic with a population of 1.4 million Trinidad and Tobago is an emerging tourism destination and understands the importance of private-public sector partnerships for successful tourism development

5 One country; Two differentiated islands Trinidad:1,864 sq. miles Tobago: 120 sq. miles Located at the southernmost end of the Caribbean, just off South America … 7 miles (11km) from Venezuela. Tobago lies 20 miles (30 km) to the northeast of Trinidad

6 Westminster-style parliamentary democracy Diverse Population Mix -European, East Indian, African, Chinese and Amerindian influences Official language is English with an initiative to encourage Spanish learning Floating currency, pegged to the US dollar, currently trading at $6.40

7 Small, emerging tourist destination Trinidad – busy and exciting, Tobago- green, clean and serene Tourism and Travel contributes 10.9% to the national economy Projected tourism growth: 3 % to GDP for the next 3 years Strong cultural diversity - people, culture, food, music, festivals, heritage Home of Carnival, calypso, soca and chutney Inventors of the steel pan Growing eco-destination – flora, fauna, leatherback turtles

8 The National Tourism Policy supports a balanced approach for the development of communities natural and cultural assets through sustainable practices. The Policy proposes a participatory and integrative approach to tourism planning and implementation with all stakeholders: local communities as well as private and public sector organizations

9 Use tourism as a vehicle for nation-building and an improved quality of life for all citizens through development of infrastructure, services, job creation, increased competitiveness and economic diversification. Facilitate and encourage investment in tourism projects with a focus on small and medium enterprises in the sector

10 Our policies and plans have been developed through collaboration with government agencies, the private sector and community groups to ensure successful development and implementation of tourism projects Establishment of the Standing Committee for the Sustainable Development of Tourism comprised of senior private and public sector individuals

11 The Ministry of Tourism has initiated several tourism projects which support the development and strengthening of local communities to achieve a more diversified range of tourism products to promote economic development and Encourages adherence to tourism best practices and adoption of global environmental standards

12 The Ministry of Tourism has partnered with private and public sector organizations and community associations to develop eco, coastal and agro, sport, medical and cultural heritage tourism activities throughout communities in Trinidad and Tobago

13 These initiatives have improved the standard of living for the communities Strengthened capacity for micro, small and medium enterprises Utilized indigenous products and natural resources within communities Created jobs in craft making, tour guiding and hospitality services Increased socio-cultural development and sustained the protection of the environment

14 Strategic Partnerships have been established with both public and private sector organizations Enhanced community leadership and engagement in decision making Facilitation of entrepreneurship and local skills development for rural communities Greater interaction and cooperation among communities Ongoing dialogue and communication among tourism stakeholders

15 Continued collaboration with the private sector and community organizations to develop the attitudes and skills of local persons Pursue opportunities that synergies and other benefits from regional integration and cooperation Work towards regional projects to promote economic development

16 Thank You

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