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1 XIX INTER-AMERICAN TRAVEL CONGRESS Department of Economic Development, Trade & Tourism Office of Tourism.

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Presentation on theme: "1 XIX INTER-AMERICAN TRAVEL CONGRESS Department of Economic Development, Trade & Tourism Office of Tourism."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 XIX INTER-AMERICAN TRAVEL CONGRESS Department of Economic Development, Trade & Tourism Office of Tourism

2 2 IATC Platform Exchange; Experience & Best practice Adoption; Official Agreements Encourages; comparative studies/ technical projects Coordinates activities of; Inter-Govt & Private Org. Support Member States of the OAS History and Relevance

3 3 Overview of the XIX Inter- American Travel Congress Tourism: A Challenge for Addressing Poverty Sub-topics Micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as axes for the development of sustainable tourism Challenges for sustainable tourism in the Americas Public-Private Partnerships for strengthening of Sustainable Tourism Development Cultural and Heritage Tourism as a key to Community Integration

4 4 Overview of the XIX Inter- American Travel Congress Cultural and Heritage Tourism as a key to Community Integration Culture and tourism are essentially linked and that optimal interactions between the two sectors is vital to ensuring the positive contribution that they can together make for economic development in general and for improving the quality of life of communities. Why is Tourism-Culture important? Tourism activities have socio-cultural impacts therefore we must consider the impacts on cultural heritage, as well as on the activities and dynamics of local community life, among others. Recognition of these local factors and support for community identity, culture, and interests should be considered part and parcel of developing tourism strategies, especially with regard to the developing countries.

5 Panel on Culture and Heritage Tourism Panelists Ramón Rivas, Director Nacional de Patrimonio de El Salvador Moderator Keith Nurse, Professor, University of the West Indies Liz Rosanna Cramer Campos, Minister of Tourism of Paraguay Synthia Bennett Salomón, Subsecretaria de Estado en el Despacho de Turismo – Honduras Honourable Richard Sealy, M.P., Minister of Tourism of Barbados Helen Marano, Director, Office of Travel and Tourism Industries USA

6 … Tourism and culture in their different manifestations are closely linked; that link is essential to sustainable development of tourism activity, the conservation of resources, and the preservation of the heritage and identity of the peoples of the Americas. … Along with culture, the natural resources of the countries of the Hemisphere constitute the foundation of tourism activity as a potential factor to foster the creation of community tourism products to combat poverty. Promote greater institutional and policy linkages between tourism and culture, as well as the implementation of programs and projects that combine both elements. …Foster sustainable tourism that involves the rational use of resources, social and economic responsibility, and protection of our cultural and environmental heritage for the benefit of future generations; Declaration of San Salvador

7 Need for Collaboration? Culture and Tourism have a mutually beneficial relationship Cultural Tourism and a specific form of Community-based Tourism (CBT) have been growing rapidly in developing countries. Possible Areas of Collaborations: Joint Workshop and/or Series of Workshops on Culture-Tourism. Joint Projects to enhance the Artisanal Sector of the Americas. South-South Cooperation in culture and tourism Supporting Respective Ministerial Processes (Inter American Travel Congress and Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture)

8 8 Thank You! Richard Campbell Chief, Office of Tourism Department of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism Organization of American States Email:

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