Global Warming By: Rachel Ricchio Problem and Background The Earth has progressively become warmer. Industrial revolution caused a large % of the CO2.

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2 Global Warming By: Rachel Ricchio

3 Problem and Background The Earth has progressively become warmer. Industrial revolution caused a large % of the CO2 to be in our air. Too much of harmful gases are getting trapped in the earths surface. Causing the earths temperature to rise about 1* Fahrenheit every 100 years. Plants cant consume all of the CO2 in the air. Trees and plants are becoming deforested.


5 Current Status/recent Events The Wilkins ice shelf in Antarctica. Major increases with the temperature in the east. Disturbing statistics with nations. Amazing discoveries within the ocean. An unusual amount of calved ice bergs spotted around the continent of Antarctica.

6 Reasons for Problem/ Recent Flare-ups New greenhouse gas identified and believed to cause global warming: Triflouromethyl sulfur Pentaflouride. Scientists discover that soot, is the secondary culprit of global warming. Permafrost is melting March 21 st, 2002… –30% of chinas desert was caused by humans and global warming. A major dust bowl occurred and wiped out most of the Chinese cities.

7 Previous Attempts to End Problem Kyoto protocol.. - Only 50 out of 170 nations have started to reduce their production of CO2. The united nations framework convention on climate change failed because… - Nations did not reduce the amount of CO2 expected for the year 2000. The intergovernmental panel on climate change failed because… - Treaty had broad information on the topic. - Nations did not work together to reduce production of CO2.

8 Outcome of the Problem The effects of GW: (1 minute) UV damages skin in minutes Polar ice caps will melt Ocean temperature rises Ocean level rises Droughts More holes in the ozone layer Sicknesses Many deserts CO2 atmosphere

9 A Reasonable Solution(s)? Global warming networking program-. Cut back on the burning of fossil fuels!!!! Plant many trees and plants in your yard or near your house. Select the most energy efficient appliances for your house. Recycle goods: use reusable goods rather than disposable(limits waste!). Scientists speak of a way to tackle GW: (1 Minute)

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