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Tropical Rain Forest Home to more species than all biomes combined! Soil is poor b/c organic matter is recycled so quickly High temperatures and precipitation.

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Presentation on theme: "Tropical Rain Forest Home to more species than all biomes combined! Soil is poor b/c organic matter is recycled so quickly High temperatures and precipitation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tropical Rain Forest Home to more species than all biomes combined! Soil is poor b/c organic matter is recycled so quickly High temperatures and precipitation

2 Tropical Grassland/Savanna Grassland spotted with trees and shrubs Fires by lightening and animals prevent land to turning into forest Waxy leaves to prevent water loss Has a dry season and most animals migrate/ burrow (oct) Has a rainy season (march)

3 Desert Less than 25 cm of precipitation annually Extreme temperatures between hot & cold Rich soil minerals but poor organic matter Cacti store water, low surface area to prevent water loss, special photosynthesis Animals get water from food, nocturnal, regulate body temp with blood vessels close to surface.

4 Temperate Forest Conifers – seed cones, waxy surface to prevent water loss, cold winters. Deciduous – shed leaves in autumn Fertile soils rich in humus (organic matter) Year round precipitation Animals cope by hibernation/migration/camouflaged

5 Taiga/Boreal Forest Winters long and are bitterly cold Mild short summers, Ground thaws Northern Hemisphere Acidic poor soil Conifers Animals extra insulations, migrate

6 Tundra Permafrost – permanently frozen subsoil. Ground only thaws few centimeters Short cool summer Plants short b/c of permafrost, mosses Cold, windy, short growing season, poor soil Animals migrate or have adapted to live in cold climate.

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