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Leaders in the Making Teamwork – Lesson 24 Self-Improving.

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1 Leaders in the Making Teamwork – Lesson 24 Self-Improving

2 Think About It... Unless you try to do something beyond what you’ve already mastered, you will never grow. Ronald E. Osborn

3 Review The self-improving person...  is ______________.  believes in continuous ___________.  is not afraid of _____________.  changes because they want to, not because they _________ to.

4 Impulse Briefing: In this activity you will have the opportunity to improve your time, beat your record, and practice being self-improving. Activity: Everyone stands in a circle holding hands. A leader in the circle starts a hand squeeze going around the circle. The leader says “Go” the moment he/she starts the squeeze and “Stop” the moment he gets the squeeze that has gone around the circle and ended up in his other hand. Beat your record. Try some variations:  Doing it with your eyes closed.  Sending one squeeze one way and another squeeze the other direction at the same time.  Pass around a whistle, a bump, a slap, etc.  Try lying on the floor foot to hand and send the impulse around.

5 What does it take? 1.How did it go? 2.What worked? What didn’t? 3.Who was a good team player? Who wasn’t? 4.Which squeeze was the hardest to send around? The easiest? 5.What does it take to be self-improving? 6.How do you improve yourself? 7.Is it worth it to try and make yourself better at something? 8.How do you face opposition? 9.What is the hardest part about improving yourself?

6 Let’s Vote! As a class, choose one person who best exemplifies each character trait that we’ve studied to receive a reward for that trait. If the same person best exemplifies more than one character trait, then they should receive an award for each trait. Intentional – Selfless – Collaborative Communicative – Enthusiasm – Adaptability Competent – Dependable – Committed Relational – Disciplined – Self-Improving

7 Journal #28 The self-improving person is not afraid of introspection. Introspection is like standing in front of a mirror and looking at yourself honestly and without fear. You are looking at who you are, not what you look like. For some people it is very difficult. If you think about it, everyone else knows what you’re like because they see you in action. It’s in your best interest to take an honest look at yourself and work on a weakness. We all have them. Be honestly introspective. What is it that you like about yourself? What is it that you don’t like about yourself? How have you grown over the past semester? Have you changed? How? What would you like to change?

8 In Conclusion... Our self-image and our habits tend to go together. Change one and you will automatically change the other. Maxwell Maltz

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