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A.M.B.A. 5230 Major Leadership Concepts.  I can’t lead if I am not at the top ◦ Influence Vs Power (p.4) ◦ Is legitimate power a substitute for leadership?

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Presentation on theme: "A.M.B.A. 5230 Major Leadership Concepts.  I can’t lead if I am not at the top ◦ Influence Vs Power (p.4) ◦ Is legitimate power a substitute for leadership?"— Presentation transcript:

1 A.M.B.A. 5230 Major Leadership Concepts


3  I can’t lead if I am not at the top ◦ Influence Vs Power (p.4) ◦ Is legitimate power a substitute for leadership? ◦ Are the best leaders found in top management teams (TMTs)

4  When I get to the top, I’ll be in control  When I get to the top, I’ll no longer be limited ◦ As leaders move up in organizations they experience less bounded rationality in decision making and more responsibility, i.e. you have less control)

5  I can’t reach my potential if I’m not the top leader ◦ Most people will never make it to the top of an organization ◦ Strive to reach your potential, not the top of an organization ◦ To thy own self be true, (Shakespeare)


7  Accept that you have limited autonomy ◦ Factors affecting autonomy  Empowerment  Initiative  Environment  Job Parameters  Appreciation

8  Managing up is vital; and very difficult with an ineffective leader ◦ Take responsibility for developing your relationship with your leader ◦ Cater to your leaders strengths ◦ Affirm your leaders strengths

9  Your ethics decide whether you are a socialized or personalized leader  Enjoy the process, don’t be too goal oriented

10  If leadership is influence, then what do you have to do or possess to be influential? ◦ Care about others ◦ Exhibit strong positive character ◦ Perform competently ◦ Deal with others in a consistent manner ◦ Be committed  Are there others?


12  “If your leader must continually expend energy managing you, then you will be perceived as someone who drains time and energy” (Maxwell, p. 86)

13  Lead yourself exceptionally well ◦ Emotions ◦ Time ◦ Priorities ◦ Energy ◦ Thinking ◦ Words ◦ Personal Life

14  “Even if the leader you work for never turns around to lift you up in return, someone who has seen you doing that lifting will extend a hand to you. Just remember: It’s not how heavy the load is. It’s how you carry it”, (Maxwell, p. 97)

15  Lighten Your Leader’s Load ◦ Do your own job well first ◦ Find solutions to problems ◦ Tell leaders what they need and not want to hear ◦ Go the second mile ◦ Stand up for your leader ◦ Stand in for your leader ◦ Ask how you can lift the leader’s load

16  “The key is being willing to do something because it matters, not because it will get you noticed”, (Maxwell, p. 107).

17  Be Willing to Do What Others Won’t ◦ Commitment ◦ Priorities ◦ Take responsibility ◦ Go above and beyond  Work-life balance?  Generational paradigm difference?

18  “All leaders are looking for people who can step up and make a difference when it matters. When they find such people, they come to rely on them and are inevitably influenced by them”, (Maxwell, p. 145)

19  Become a Go-To Player ◦ Produce under pressure ◦ Produce with scarce resources ◦ Produce when momentum is low ◦ Produce when the load is heavy ◦ Produce when the leader is absent ◦ Produce when time is limited


21  “Some people don’t look to the workplace for friendship, but they will certainly benefit from finding it there” (Maxwell, p. 175).  “Your value as a leader in the middle will increase as you stretch and get out of your comfort zone relationships, which are usually comprised of: people you’ve known for a long time, people with whom you have common experiences, and people you know like you” (Maxwell, p. 191-192)

22  Be a Friend ◦ Affective Commitment ◦ Informal networks

23  “People who might be described as ‘political’ are ruled by their desire to get ahead instead of a desire for excellence, productivity, teamwork, or consistency” (Maxwell, p. 183).

24  Avoid Office Politics ◦ Avoid gossip ◦ Stay away from petty arguments ◦ Stand up for what’s right, not just what’s popular ◦ Look at all sides of the issue ◦ Don’t protect your turf ◦ Say what you mean, and mean what you say  Is this a character and integrity issue?  What values do you relate to being political?


26  “360-Degree leaders get more out of their people because they think more of their people. They respect and value them, and as a result, their people want to follow them” (Maxwell, p. 221).

27  See Everyone As a “10” ◦ See them as who they can become ◦ Let them “borrow” your belief in them ◦ Catch them doing something right ◦ Believe the best-give others the benefit of doubt ◦ Realize that “10” has many definitions ◦ Give them the “10” treatment

28  “When a leader’s identity and actions are consistent, the results he gets are consistent. When they are inconsistent, then so are the results” (Maxwell, p. 242).

29  Model the Behavior You Desire ◦ Your behavior determines the culture ◦ Your attitude determines the atmosphere ◦ Your values determine the decisions ◦ Your investment determines the return ◦ Your character determines the trust ◦ Your work ethic determines the productivity ◦ Your growth determines the potential

30  “Whatever actions leaders reward will be repeated. That’s why it’s very important to reward results-and to do it the right way” (Maxwell, p. 255).

31  Reward For Results ◦ Give praise publicly and privately ◦ Give more than just praise ◦ Don’t reward everyone the same ◦ Give perks beyond pay ◦ Promote when possible ◦ Remember that you get what you pay for


33  “Leadership is what makes the difference at every level of the organization” (Maxwell, p. 269).

34  Leaders are needed at every level of the organization ◦ Without a leader, vision is lost ◦ Without a leader, decisions are delayed ◦ Without a leader, agendas are multiplied ◦ Without a leader, conflicts are extended ◦ Without a leader, morale is low ◦ Without a leader, production is reduced ◦ Without a leader, success is difficult

35  “360-Degree leaders have certain qualities that enable them to lead in every direction, and that is what makes them valuable to an organization” (Maxwell, p. 285).

36  360-Degree leaders possess qualities every organization needs. ◦ Adaptability, discernment, perspective, communication, security, servanthood, resourcefulness, maturity, endurance, & countability

37  You are most likely simultaneously leading and being lead  Learn to help yourself through leadership (i.e. synergy through team-work)  Lose your entitlement attitude  Examine your motivations and keep your ego in check

38  Your attitude predicts your altitude  Your ethics determine whether you are a socialized or personalized leader  A leaders job is to add value through influence  Leadership is influence through relationship…build good workplace relationships with employees at all levels

39  Leadership is not a goal to be reached, it is a life-long process of growth and development….enjoy the process

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