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Click the mouse button to operate1 Apologising  Learning to say sorry is one of the most mature qualities you can acquire.  Apologising is one of those.

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Presentation on theme: "Click the mouse button to operate1 Apologising  Learning to say sorry is one of the most mature qualities you can acquire.  Apologising is one of those."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click the mouse button to operate1 Apologising  Learning to say sorry is one of the most mature qualities you can acquire.  Apologising is one of those qualities everyone will admire you  Everyone knows how difficult it is to apologise.

2 Click the mouse button to operate2 Apologising  Feelings of guilt get in the way of other things  Guilt stays on your conscience  You build up the guilt until it gets completely out of proportion.  The sooner you apologise the sooner you will stop these feelings of guilt.

3 Click the mouse button to operate3 Apologising  Apologising is not a sign of weakness, so don't look at it that way.  It takes guts to apologise.  It shows you have the confidence to confront a situation and deal with it efficiently.

4 Click the mouse button to operate4 Apologising  Once you recognise you have made a mistake, try to apologise quickly.  Don't make a big deal of it just take a deep breath and apologise.  The sooner you apologise the sooner you can move on and think about other more pleasant things..

5 Click the mouse button to operate5 Apologising  If someone apologises to you, just accept it calmly.  Even if you are annoyed about what they did or what they said.  You will both feel good about yourselves - one for apologising - one for accepting.  Don’t go over all the past - move on.

6 Click the mouse button to operate6 Coping with Mistakes  Being embarrassed and afraid of failing holds you back from contributing in class.  Not speaking out has far-reaching effects outside the classroom.  It can stop you standing up for yourself and your beliefs.  It can make you miss opportunities.

7 Click the mouse button to operate7 Coping with Mistakes  Fear of failure –(the fear of getting something wrong or saying something embarrassing)  If you let this fear overwhelm you at school, you will not get the marks you deserve.  If you let this fear overwhelm you out side school, you will lose opportunities.

8 Click the mouse button to operate8 Coping with Mistakes  It's not the end of the world if you give an incorrect answer.  Not understanding something isn't a sign of stupidity.  Not asking for help is stupid.  Embarrassment is only momentary.

9 Click the mouse button to operate9 Coping with Mistakes  No one remembers the things you get wrong.  Speaking in front of people gets easier the more you do it.  If someone shouts you down, assert yourself and ask them to let you finish.

10 Click the mouse button to operate10 Learning from your Mistakes  Growing up is all about experiencing things for the first time.  It is easy to make a mistake because you are inexperienced.  Everybody makes mistakes.  Its part of human nature.  If you can learn from where you went wrong, you'll become a wiser person.

11 Click the mouse button to operate11 Learning from your Mistakes  You might make mistakes because you are careless.  Try and give more time to things.  Take life more slowly.  Think things out and plan what you’re going to do.

12 Click the mouse button to operate12 Learning from your Mistakes  You might make mistakes because you feel uncertain about something,  Talk about it with someone you trust.  Don’t act without a second opinion.  Check your facts over, make sure you are right.

13 Click the mouse button to operate13 Learning from your Mistakes  You might make mistakes because you’re nervous.  Take a deep breath before you do anything.  Don’t panic yourself into acting on impulse or in a way which isn’t really you.  Don’t do things just because you think you must make your mark.

14 Click the mouse button to operate14 Learning from your Mistakes  Concentrate on all the good things you can do.  Don't dwell on things you aren’t so good at.  Making mistakes is all about lacking knowledge.  You can always get more knowledge about a subject.

15 Click the mouse button to operate15 Learning from your Mistakes  Don’t blame yourself  If you blame yourself for everything that goes wrong… –you’ll soon begin to lose confidence in yourself, –you will begin to believe it, –others will start to blame you

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