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Strategies for timed writing essays. Three steps: 1.Plan (25%) 2.Compose (50%) 3.Revise (25%)

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies for timed writing essays. Three steps: 1.Plan (25%) 2.Compose (50%) 3.Revise (25%)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies for timed writing essays

2 Three steps: 1.Plan (25%) 2.Compose (50%) 3.Revise (25%)

3 Plan (25% of time) 1.Understand the Assignment Let the prompt be your topic Develop a point of view Write only on the assigned topic

4 Plan continued… 2. Organize your thoughts Limit the scope of your essay Develop a thesis Not too broad, not too narrow Must be clear to you and reader Everything you include must support thesis Specific details and examples rather than generalizations for support Identify key points Write an outline

5 Example Outline: Introduction a. Thesis Statement First Key Point a. subpoint 1 b. subpoint 2 c. subpoint 3 Second Key Point a. subpoint 1 b. subpoint 2 Third Key Point a. subpoint 1 b. subpoint 2 c. subpoint 3 Conclusion a. Restate Thesis

6 Compose (50% of time) 1.Organize ideas into paragraphs 2. Write the essay

7 Revise (25% of time) 1.PROOFREAD!!! Check for unity, coherence and support Check for punctuation and spelling Write concisely, clearly, and legibly Do not be redundant Avoid contractions (don’t, can’t, etc.) Subject/Verb agreement Pronoun usage

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