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In Prewriting, you think about your subject and purpose and organize those thoughts onto paper. At the end of the prewriting stage, you should know what.

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Presentation on theme: "In Prewriting, you think about your subject and purpose and organize those thoughts onto paper. At the end of the prewriting stage, you should know what."— Presentation transcript:


2 In Prewriting, you think about your subject and purpose and organize those thoughts onto paper. At the end of the prewriting stage, you should know what you want to say and how you want to organize your points.

3 Two methods you can use are: Graphic Organizers-to organize Free-writing



6 You don't have to include everything that was in your prewriting! Pick your best ideas. Make sure they relate to each other and your topic. WRITE! WRITE! WRITE! Don't stop once you start writing. Revising and editing come later. Just let the ideas flow. When YOU feel that you have completed your ideas, you are then ready to go to the next stage.



9 Is there a catchy hook statement? Does your thesis contain the topic, purpose, and is a complete statement? Does your paragraphs have only ONE topic? Are there places in your paragraphs where you did not “stick to the point?” Do supporting details support only the topic sentence of that paragraph? In your conclusion, did you restate the topic and leave the reader thinking? Is proper format followed throughout? Are all sentences complete or are there sentence fragments? Can you read it out loud without stumbling?



12 Lack of a clear direction Paragraphs contain sentences that are off topic Composition is too short Ideas are undeveloped Conclusion does not END the composition.

13 Unorganized paragraphs Unsupported ideas Incorrect format

14 Contains serious grammatical errors


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