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Energy. Alternative Renewable Sustainable A. An Electricity Primer 2 Types 1.Static A non-moving e- gradient is produced. A discharge relieves the.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy. Alternative Renewable Sustainable A. An Electricity Primer 2 Types 1.Static A non-moving e- gradient is produced. A discharge relieves the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy

2 Alternative Renewable Sustainable


4 A. An Electricity Primer 2 Types 1.Static A non-moving e- gradient is produced. A discharge relieves the gradient. 2.Current

5 2. Current electricity = a constant flow of electrons. Two types of Current Electricity: a. Direct Current (DC) b. Alternating Current (AC)

6 a. Direct Current (DC) Battery= bucket full of chemicals that causes electrons to move. Cathode gains electrons Anode loses electrons Electrolyte = chemical that allows the electrons to move

7 b. Alternating Current Voltage – number of electrons (volts) Current = pressure of the electrons (amps) Current –

8 World Electric Generation (IEA 2009)

9 US Electric Generation (EPA 2005)

10 A. Wind


12 B. Solar 1. Direct Solar vs Uses solar energy for heating or electricity without a naturally occurring conversion. Ex: passive and active solar Indirect Solar Solar converted to another form of energy in nature. Ex: fossil fuels wind biomass hydroelectric

13 2. Passive Solar Heat vs Construction designs for collecting heat. No fans or collection devises are used. Active Solar Heat Fans, pumps, or collection devises are used.

14 3. Solar Thermal Commercial Generators 10-15¢/kWh Oil filled parabolic collectors concentrate heat. An exchanger creates steam that in- turn moves a turbine. Adv/Dis

15 4. Photovoltaic 15-25¢ / kWh Based on the diode properties of silicon. Million Solar Roof Initiative –DOE –Solar America Initiative


17 _lot_more_sun_than_we_do_video.html?fb_ref=sm_fb_share_blogpost


19 C. Biomass

20 1. Traditional Biomass

21 2. New Fangled Biomass a. Biogas b. Bioliquid adv/dis c.Fuel Crops/Crop Residue d. Biomass to Electricity adv/dis

22 D. Hydroelectric 1. Types a. Large scale b. Small scale c. Pumped-Storage System 2. adv/dis

23 E. Waves And Tides 1. Differences! 2. Osprey

24 3. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

25 4. Tides

26 F. Geothermal 1. Geothermal Reservoirs The Geysers adv/dis 2. Geothermal Heat Pumps

27 G. Hydrogen 1. Electrolysis

28 2. Combustion of Hydrogen

29 3. Hydrogen Fuel Cells

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