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Mobile websites and apps our library user survey iPad lending next steps for mobile access to the library website and resources.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile websites and apps our library user survey iPad lending next steps for mobile access to the library website and resources."— Presentation transcript:

1 mobile websites and apps our library user survey iPad lending next steps for mobile access to the library website and resources

2 Apps and mobile websites

3 Apps Application software, also known as an application or an "app", is computer software designed to help the user to perform specific tasks.

4 Mobile websites vs.

5 Library user survey: Mobile Devices

6 Mobile Device Survey Still running until end of October So far nearly 300 responses What are our initial findings?





11 Facebook! Email Google BBC

12 Angry Birds! More of a spread compared to answers to most used

13 UpToDate ORH intranet “UptoDate and BNF would be very heavily used in clinical areas if developed, although both available via any web browser so don't need a specific app. Currently the main obstacle to access is wireless network coverage of the hospital site - Students and staff can't easily gain access to most of the network.”

14 iPad Lending

15 What’s it for? (according to Apple!) “Technology so advanced, you’ll forget it’s even there. When you pick up your iPad, it becomes an extension of you. It makes surfing the web, checking email, watching films and reading books so natural, you’ll wonder why you ever did it any other way.”

16 What’s it for? (not in sales speak!) A platform for audio-visual media including: Books Periodicals Movies Music Games Web content

17 iPads and Medicine? Many published studies in Medical and Library journals, and examining and evaluating their use – are they up to date and valid? At the minute? In the future? Who knows! Does it matter?

18 Deciding on the Apps Internet search Literature search Contact other libraries List of apps: atabase_ZBMED

19 What’s on the iPad Medical apps Non-Medical apps Oxford Handbooks Productivity software

20 Other steps iTunes set up – one itunes account, download to two PCs (one at each site) Issue procedure Return and reset procedure Feedback

21 Next steps for mobile access to our library website and resources Bodleian Library wide website redevelopment project, currently undertaking user profiling Mobile access increasingly important Mobile Device Survey and iPad lending Feedback used to decide what resources we purchase Keep up-to-date with publishers and other developers

22 Conclusions and questions?

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