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FOOD, NUTRITION, AND WELLNESS Employability Skills HUM-FNW-1 1.6 Present a professional image through appearance, behavior, and language.

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Presentation on theme: "FOOD, NUTRITION, AND WELLNESS Employability Skills HUM-FNW-1 1.6 Present a professional image through appearance, behavior, and language."— Presentation transcript:

1 FOOD, NUTRITION, AND WELLNESS Employability Skills HUM-FNW-1 1.6 Present a professional image through appearance, behavior, and language.

2 Given: definitions and images of professionalism and professional image What: create and present an infographic or digital poster of a comparison of professionalism vs nonprofessional image How Well: according to assignment checklist or rubric jxEVT1sFw 20121015-softskills/20121015-softskills- 1-Enthusiasm-Attitude.htm


4 o Food Science : variety of settings  professional demeanor is required o Professionalism: classroom setting  workplace o Professional ≡ conforming technical or ethical standards ≡ exhibiting honorable and business-like approach o Professionals  respect human worth  exhibit trustworthiness  protect important moral values

5 o Characteristics, attitudes, and rules of appearance apply to all. o Appearance that inspires confidence and a positive self- image. o To Client: Trust = quality service o Non-verbal messages  clothing and appearance  client’s perception

6 AppearanceImpression DirtyUnreliable and unprofessional Body piercing & tattoos Unprofessional, unreliable, immature, Dangerous Clean and NeatProfessional and reliable

7 PERSONAL APPEARANCE…PROFESSIONAL APPEARANCE 1.Uniforms should be neat, well-fitting, clean and free from wrinkles. 2.Clothing must be clean, neat, in good repair and allow for freedom of body movement. 3.Name Badges / Photo Identification Tags must be worn at all times. 4.Shoes should fit well and provide good support to prevent fatigue.

8 5.Good Personal Hygiene is essential ---- close contact with others. Excessive perfume should be avoided. 6.Nails should be kept short, clean, and natural. 7.Hair should be kept clean and neat. 8.Jewelry is usually not permitted. If jewelry is permitted, avoid extra jewelry. 9.Excessive Makeup should be avoided. 10.Tattoos must be covered at all times.


10 Which Dietician would you trust?

11 Which Chef or Cook would you trust?

12 Which Health Promotion Specialist would you trust?

13 SUMMARY 1)In your own words, what is professionalism? 2)Why is it important to have a professional appearance in your chosen field? 3)State one field that it is okay to not consider professionalism regarding attire? Why? Every employee must constantly strive to develop the necessary characteristics and to present a professional appearance.

14 ACTIVITY In groups of three, create an infographic or digital poster of a comparison of professionalism vs nonprofessional image. Your group will present and each person is responsible for a talking point. Please follow the rubric.

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