Bigger Better Business Programs to be implemented this year.

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Presentation on theme: "Bigger Better Business Programs to be implemented this year."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bigger Better Business Programs to be implemented this year

2 How the programs strengthen us Promoting entrepreneurship and minority owned businesses Increasing financial stability Increasing homeownership Providing networking opportunities Training members in business development

3 BBB transforms our communities Increasing awareness of African American entrepreneurs and minority owned business Preparing college graduates for careers in business Promoting entrepreneurship Promoting Financial Literacy Promoting financial wellness and good financial management

4 Project Seed The Sigma Economic Empowerment Development Project Two important topics of interest Homeownership Financial Management

5 Step One Identify a Company, Organization, or a Person with a Financial or Real Estate background to facilitate the program

6 Step Two Locate a place to hold the event And set a date and time for the event

7 Step two Cont’d Suggestions of some locations Churches, Schools, Community Centers, or Libraries This will allow you to put up flyers to promote the event which will allow you to reach out to more people

8 Conclusion Make sure to do a report after the program Submit a PIA form to record the event Make sure to have a sign in sheet so that you may contact people for other programs in the future

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