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W ELCOME TO THE F IRST D AY OF 7 TH G RADE ! Mrs. Curtis 7 th Grade Humanities 2009-2010.

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Presentation on theme: "W ELCOME TO THE F IRST D AY OF 7 TH G RADE ! Mrs. Curtis 7 th Grade Humanities 2009-2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 W ELCOME TO THE F IRST D AY OF 7 TH G RADE ! Mrs. Curtis 7 th Grade Humanities 2009-2010

2 A little about me… BA English ~ Pepperdine U MA Curriculum and Instruction, Educ. Technology emphasis ~ Cal Lutheran U 4 th year teaching 7 th Grade Humanities at MCMS Have chaperoned 7 th Grade Catalina trip and 8 th Grade D.C. trip I love reading, Disneyland, “I Love Lucy,” and Diet Coke I hate spiders, black licorice, and when students have loose teeth Kayaking in Catalina 2007

3 HERE IS SOME OF WHAT WE WILL BE DOING THIS YEAR… Begin with Fall of Rome Islam Africa China Japan Central America Medieval Europe Short Stories Novels Creative Writing State Writing Grammar AR Shakespeare Social StudiesLanguage Arts


5 W HAT TO EXPECT FROM ME FAIRNESS FAIRNESS - I will strive to be impartial in all matters. TIMELINESS TIMELINESS - I will strive to give you prompt feedback on assignments, tests, etc. ORGANIZATION ORGANIZATION - I will strive to never waste your time. KNOWLEDGE KNOWLEDGE - I will strive to be a useful guide in your learning. PATIENCE PATIENCE - I will strive to remember that sometimes life just happens.

6 W HAT I EXPECT FROM YOU PROMPT Be PROMPT - Be on time. Tardiness is not an option. PREPARED Be PREPARED - Be ready to participate and to learn. Have all required materials and assignments ready. PRODUCTIVE Be PRODUCTIVE - Use class time wisely; we don’t have much of it. POSITIVE Be POSITIVE - Positive thoughts and actions lead to positive results. POLITE Be POLITE - Manners, manners, manners. A little courtesy goes a long way.

7 E XPECTATIONS WITH G UEST T EACHERS DOUBLE Sometimes during the year, I will need to be out of the classroom for various reasons. While I am gone, my expectations for your behavior DOUBLE ! Absolutely no disrespect of any kind will be tolerated. If your name is written down by the Guest Teacher, expect trouble when I return. At minimum, expect a lunch detention. If the whole class receives a poor report, then the WHOLE CLASS will be held accountable. Keep each other in line! Follow all instructions from the Guest Teacher as they are my instructions to you. Be helpful, responsible students. I know you can succeed!

8 C ONSEQUENCES Below are standard consequences for misbehavior. However, special circumstances can call for special consequences, but let’s not even go there. Work Habits/Citizenship checks (more later) Gum removal Trash Pick Up Detention – Lunch or After School Call Home / Teacher Conference Removal from class to another setting Referral to office Other as per Student Handbook for things such as excessive tardiness, cheating, dress code violations, and restricted item possession, etc.



11 I MPORTANT C ONTACT I NFO Email is the best way to contact me outside of school. Check your daily assignments at Don’t forget your classmates! When I say “GO”, find a partner near you and exchange names, emails, and/or phone numbers!

12 C LASS R EQUIREMENTS - AR AR – Accelerated Reading Program Minimum of one APPROVED book per quarter. Must pass the assessment with a 70% or better to receive academic points (30 per quarter). Must have an AR book or other approved reading materials at all times, even if you already took an AR test for the quarter. Can earn AR Club points (separate from academic points) for every book you take a test on. 25 Points – 5 points or Extension pass (LASSR passes) 50 Points – Lunch-time Movie and Popcorn w/an AR Club friend pass 75 Points – An edible treat… we’ll talk options later 100+ Points – Pizza Party at the end of school year Then the cycle repeats…

13 LASSR P ASSES Here are some examples of different kinds of rewards passes you can earn for academic effort and growth, notable citizenship, and outstanding behavior throughout the year: Music Pass Eat in Class Outta Class Bad Day Pass Sit by a Friend 5-Point Pass Extension Pass Class Snack Pass, etc.

14 C LASS R EQUIREMENTS - P ORTFOLIO Program for all students! Student-selected portfolio of your proudest achievements throughout the year Reflection Cover Sheets Portfolios will be displayed at Open House in May Entirely digital record of your growth

15 G RADING P OLICY Work Habits / Citizenship Grades Less than 70% on assignments =  Missing materials / assignments =  Off task behavior =  Tardiness =  Disrespect to others =  Poor attitude =  Disregard for MCMS guidelines =   Academic Grades 90% - 100% A60% - 69% D 80% - 89% B59% / below F 70% - 79% C

16 H OMEWORK R ESPONSIBILITIES It is YOUR responsibility to turn in all work on time, whether ABSENT or NOT! If you are absent, you have the number of days you were gone plus ONE to make up all tests, homework, and in class assignments. Tests not made up within two weeks will receive a ZERO. You must schedule make up tests the day you return from your absence. LATE HOMEWORK Late projects/essays, minus 10% every day late. If absent on the due date of a larger assignment, you must get it to school somehow or 10% will be deducted.

17 H OW TO KEEP TRACK OF IT ALL Weekly Schedule a schedule you will be asked to print out from home each week. This counts as a homework assignment due the first day of each week. VERY detailed with all assignments, up coming due dates, and standards addressed. BRING TO CLASS DAILY to make corrections and references. Agenda (Assignment Book) Daily agenda and homework written on board – COPY HW! Every day, I will stamp EVERYONE’S agenda. My website – access my website for up to date homework, resources, and assignments


19 F IRST A SSIGNMENTS Please open your Agenda to today’s date, Wednesday, September 2, 2009 and copy these assignments: ALL DUE ON OR BEFORE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2010 1. Supplies 2. Parent / Student Signature Sheet attached to syllabus 3. Wish List items 4. PARENT HW – emailed by 9 p.m. Friday, Sept. 10

20 1. HW - S UPPLIES Four two-pocket folders with prongs Binder or Section in binder with dividers for Weekly Schedules, LA, and SS Book Covers Index cards 3x3 Post-Its Notebook Paper Scissors Highlighters Pens – blue and/or black Correcting Color Pens – green, purple, orange, red Pencils with erasers Colored Pencils Markers Mini stapler AR BOOK – bring daily

21 2. HW – PARENT/STUDENT SIG The last page of the syllabus is a review sheet of all the information provided in the syllabus. Please review and initial each section with your parent. Both you and your parent sign the bottom of the paper. Clearly write out your parent’s email. You and your parents are free to write any questions or comments at the very bottom.

22 3. HW – WISH LIST One ream of colored paper One ream of white paper 1 box of tissues 1 roll of paper towels New or gently used AR books for class library Stamps / ink pads Box of Band-Aids Washable paint sets See more in syllabus SchoolClass

23 4. HW – PARENT HW Parents will sign in to SchoolWires to take an online survey about you and your: Unique personality Strengths/weaknesses Hobbies or interests Special skills (i.e. technology/computer skills, artistic skills, etc.) Any other important information The survey is located on the Parent’s Page on my website. This must be completed by 9 p.m. on Friday, 9/10/10 for you to receive a LASSR Pass of your choice!

24 REMINDER: 5 P’S TO STUDENT SUCCESS 5 P’s of Student Success: Prompt Be Prompt Polite Be Polite Positive Be Positive Productive Be Productive Prepared Be Prepared! 



27 Grab your syllabus. Split yourselves up into groups of four and find a place in the room to sit together. (Desks, floor, etc.) You will be given a SMART Response Clicker to give one answer as a group. One person will log in on the clicker. Send one person up to get your team’s clicker. You will have 15 seconds to answer each question! The team with the most correct answers wins the first LASSR Passes of the year!

28 R EVIEW Q UESTIONS : N OT FOR S MART R ESPONSE 1.What is the first unit we will study in Social Studies? 2.Which new class program is for all students? 3.List 3 of the 5 P’s to student success. (Hint: Be Prompt) 4.Give an example of when you can earn a LASSR Pass (besides this game, of course). 5.What is the BEST method of contacting me outside of school? 6.List 3 supplies you need for this class. 7.What is the penalty for late projects or essays? 8.List 3 ways to help keep track of assignments in class. 9.True or False: You are required to have an AR book at all times. 10. Short Answer: Describe how you should act when a Guest Teacher is present.

29 Review Questions: ROME 1.What is the first unit we will study in Social Studies? ROME Portfolio 2.Which new class program is for all students? Portfolio Polite, Positive, Productive, Prepared 3.List 3 of the 5 P’s to student success. (Hint: Be Prompt) Polite, Positive, Productive, Prepared AR Club 4.Give an example of when you can earn a LASSR Pass. AR Club Email 5.What is the BEST method of contacting me outside of school? Email CP, binders, note cards 6.List 3 supplies you need for this class. CP, binders, note cards Minus 10% per day late 7.What is the penalty for late projects or essays? Minus 10% per day late Website, Agenda, Weekly Schedule 8.List 3 ways to help keep track of assignments in class. Website, Agenda, Weekly Schedule True! 9.True or False: You are required to have an AR book at all times. True! Follow directions, be on best behavior, keep each other in line! 10. Short Answer: Describe how you should act when a Guest Teacher is present. Follow directions, be on best behavior, keep each other in line!

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