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“Providing an inspiring academic, recreational, and social experience which empowers students to reach their highest potential.”

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1 “Providing an inspiring academic, recreational, and social experience which empowers students to reach their highest potential.”

2 Program Mission and Goals MISSION To provide an inspiring academic, recreational, and social experience that empowers students to reach their highest potential.

3 Beyond the Bell Overview Program runs first day of school to last day of school. – Hours: Bell Release to 6pm, Monday through Friday Schools Served – 4 elementary schools – 1 middle school Over 350 students participate daily Program is a collaboration between the City of Mountain View and the Mountain View Whisman School District.

4 What does BTB provide? Positive activities for youth in a safe environment Trained staff to be mentors and role models Nutritious snack every school day Homework Assistance Recreation Activities Technology Special Events & Guest Speakers Field Trips Integrates Developmental Assets

5 BTB Staffing Staffing model establishes a cohesive work group at each program site – Joint staff training 4-5 times per year – Program site staff meetings on monthly or twice monthly basis Additional trainings offered by California School Age Consortium

6 Homework Assistance Trained staff rotating amongst students to help with homework Reading Educational Activities – Games – Enrichment Activities

7 Technology Educational websites Typing programs Educational Games

8 Recreation Physical Fitness Age-Appropriate Games Health and Wellness Sports Arts & Crafts Tournaments Special Events Enrichment

9 Special Events World Cup Soccer Flag Football Tournament American Red Cross

10 What Participants are Saying “I can now finish my homework before I go home”. – Theuerkauf Student “I like BTB because I get to spend more time with my friends, get help with homework, and I get to play sports”. – Crittenden Middle School Student “When we type, it helps a lot. I have improved in my typing”. – Monta Loma student “It helps me get organized after school and makes me be in a better mood”. – Crittenden Middle School Student

11 Who attends Beyond the Bell? 66% of our students are English Language Learners 80% of our students are on Free or Reduced Lunch Ethnic Breakdown Latino74% Caucasian10% Asian / Pacific Islander7% African-American6% Decline to State3%

12 Beyond the Bell Data Language Arts CST Scores Scoring: 1 = Far Below Basic 2 = Below Basic 3 = Basic 4 = Proficient 5 = Advanced

13 Beyond the Bell Data Mathematics CST Scores Scoring: 1 = Far Below Basic 2 = Below Basic 3 = Basic 4 = Proficient 5 = Advanced

14 RECOGNITION In the spring of 2008, the California School Age Consortium (CALSAC) named BTB at Crittenden Middle School a “Model Program.” – CALSAC conference attendees from California, Nevada and Canada visited the program as part of a tour of model programs.

15 BTB Future Increase parent involvement Increase Guest Speakers on campus Improve enrichment activities Implement a Leadership Program at the middle school level Fully implement 100 Book Challenge Increase volunteer opportunities

16 How can volunteers help? Work one-on-one with a student. – Providing individual homework help. – One on one reading. – Playing educational games.

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