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Presentation on theme: "S ERVICE L EARNING AND T RAGEDY U NIT 2010-2011 Mrs. Demos."— Presentation transcript:



3 D RILL 4 (4/11) Homework: Status Check 3 4/14 Works Cited P age and evidence of work begun. Objective:

4 D RILL 1 1/25 Homework: Bring a children’s book for Service Learning. Due 1/31 Objective: The students will be able to review strengths and weaknesses based on the quarterly assessment in order to set reasonable goals for improvement. Drill: Review your goals (drill 1) from quarter 1 and 2. Have you met those goals? Do you need to continue working on them? Set a new measurable goal with an action for quarter 3.

5 D RILL 2 1/31 Homework: Children’s book for service learning due 1/31. Quiz 10: Text Features 2/4 Objective: TSWBAT compose a persuasive essay on a given topic in order to demonstrate skill with organization and ideas traits. Drill: Clear your desk except for a pencil. Prepare to complete the assessment.

6 D RILL 3 (2/1) Homework: Children’s book for service learning and supplies for the book kit. Quiz 10 Text Features 2/4 Completed outline 2/4 Objective: TSWBAT identify various before, during, and after reading strategies in order to develop engaging activities for the service learning book kits. Drill on next slide.

7 D RILL 3 Drill: Read the sentence. Then choose the answer in which the underlined word is used in the same way. Explain why your answer is correct. Before you choose to do business with a bank, you should make sure it has a sound reputation. In which sentence does the word sound mean the same as in the sentence above? A. Although the house is old, it has a sound foundation and an excellent roof. B.We should sound out our teacher before we decide on a topic for our report. C. I was startled out of a sound sleep by bright lightning and a crash of thunder. D. The emergency crews will sound the alarm if the floodwaters rise any higher. Why is your answer correct? (Annotate the answer)

8 E XIT T ICKET What before, during, or after reading strategy do you think you will use? How will you change the strategy into a fun activity that a young student might enjoy?

9 D RILL 4 (2/2) Homework: Collect any materials you will need for your book kit. Craft supplies to make the kit or items you will include with your kit. Quiz 10 Text Features 2/4 Outline 2/4 Objective: TSWBAT analyze text features to increase understanding of texts in order to create book kits. Drill: Make a list of all the text features you know or can remember. Explain how they help you understand the reading.

10 D RILL 5 Homework: Collect any materials you will need for your book kit. Craft supplies to make the kit or items you will include with your kit. Prometheus Draft 2/8 Objective: The students will be able to develop before, during and after reading strategies in order to create book kits. Drill: List all the text features found in your book kit book. How will these help a younger student read and understand this book? How will you use text features in your activities? Write your name, block,date and quiz 10 text features on the scantron.

11 D RILL 6 Homework: Collect any materials you will need for your book kit. Craft supplies to make the kit or items you will include with your kit. Prometheus Draft 2/8 Prefix Quiz 2/11 Objective: The students will be able to develop before, during and after reading strategies in order to create book kits. Drill: Define prefix and list at least five prefixes and what they mean. Answer next slide

12 D RILL 6 Make sure your definition is correct. Prefix: a word part added to the beginning of a root or base word to create a new meaning. PrefixDefinitionWords Re-AgainReplay, resend Hyper-OverHyperactive Un-NotUnclear, unsure Tri-ThreeTriangle, tricycle Pre-BeforePrefix Mis-WrongMisconduct Sub-BelowSubway

13 D RILL 7 Homework: Service Learning Supplies, Prefix Handout Prefix and Sentence Quiz 2/11 Objective: The students will be able to develop before, during and after reading strategies in order to create book kits. Drill: See next slide

14 D RILL 7 Combine the following sentence pairs into complex sentences. Underline the independent clause. 1. I refused to talk about it. I was put in detention. 2. Ed hates airplanes. He will take the train. 3. The sun is shining. It will snow later today. 4. Answers: I refused to talk about it since I was put in detention. Because Ed hates airplanes, he will take the train. The sun is shining however it will snow later today.

15 D RILL 8 Homework: Service Learning Supplies, Rough Draft due 2/11 Prefix and Sentence Quiz 2/11 Prometheus paper 2/14 Objective: The students will be able to develop before, during and after reading strategies in order to create book kits. 1. Look at the card you were given when you walked in. Some people have prefix cards. Others have root or base word cards. 2. Match your card with another card to make a new word. 3. Write the new word and meaning on your drill sheet. 4. Use the new word in a sentence. Write the sentence on your drill sheet.

16 D RILL 9 Homework: Service Learning Supplies, Prometheus paper 2/14 Objective: The students will be able to develop before, during and after reading strategies in order to create book kits. Drill: Complete the Scantron, Name, Date, Block, Quiz 11 Prefixes

17 D RILL 10 (2/14) Homework: Service Learning Supplies, Objective: The students will be able to develop before, during and after reading strategies in order to create book kits. Drill: Complete reflection sheet question 1 for Prometheus paper. Hand in order: Rubric, Final, Draft, Self Review Sheet, Outline, Reflection Sheet

18 D RILL 11 Homework: Who is William Shakespeare? Objective: TSWBAT use 6+1 Writers Traits to revise their book kits in order to produce a finished product. Drill: Next slide:

19 D RILL 11 Drill: Read the sentence. Then choose the answer in which the underlined word is used in the same way. Explain why your answer is correct. Susan lodged with her grandparents during her first year of college. In which sentence does the word lodged mean the same as in the sentence above? 1. A splinter lodged in Ann’s foot when she stepped on an old board. 2. Our family lodged at a fishing camp during our trip to the seacoast. 3. Mr. Ames lodged a complaint with the city about the overgrown lot. 4. The archer aimed carefully and lodged an arrow in the distant target. Explain why you selected your answer. (Annotate the answer)

20 N OTEBOOK Q UIZ #1 1. What is the answer to drill 6? 2. From the Tone and Mood handout, list the first three tone words from the word box. 3. Based on your notes, compare and contrast science fiction and fantasy. 4. From the subject-verb agreement homework (page 91) what is subject verb agreement? 5. What makes up a complex sentence?

21 D RILL 12 (1/23) Homework: Suffix/Prefix handout (225/230) next class Quiz 12 Suffix and Prefix 2/25 Objective: The student will be able to demonstrate the ability to compose written, and visual presentations in order to inform and prepare the final product for presentation. Drill: Read the sentence. Then choose the answer in which the underlined word is used in the same way. Explain why your answer is correct. Next Slide

22 D RILL 12 I tried pulling up the dandelion, but its roots held it fast in the soil. In which sentence does the word fast mean the same as in the sentence above? A. Terry fell fast asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. B. The front tires of my new car were stuck fast in the mud. C. I arrived early for the concert because my watch was fast. D. The two children were neighbors and became fast friends.

23 D RILL 13 (2/25) Take out Suffix/Prefix Handout Homework: Inference Handout Quiz 12: Suffix and Prefix 2/25 Objective: TSWBAT apply R.A.F.T.S when reading a prompt in order to establish an authentic purpose, audience, and form for writing. The students will respond to a prompt. Drill: What is R.A.F.T.S.?

24 Role, Audience, Format, Topic R.A.F.T.S helps your writing flow Use the R.A.F.T.S. organizer as you read a prompt or question to make sure you know what the question is and what you are being asked to write. This helps set a purpose for writing and focuses on your audience.

25 D RILL 14 (2/28) Take out Service Learning BCR. Homework: Inference Practice TSWBAT link appropriate experiences and prior knowledge about William Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet in order to better understand the plot and theme when reading the play. Drill: How do the following suffixes change the meaning of a word?

26 D RILL 15 (2/28) Take out Inference Homework Homework: Complete Service Learning BCR Elizabeth Times Quiz 3/7 Objective: TSWBAT use RAFTS and ACE to respond to a writing prompt about service learning in order to reflect on the project and prepare for writing the Service Learning reflection. Drill: Put your name, date, block, and Quiz 12 Suffix/prefix on the scantron.

27 D RILL 16 (3/1) Take out Service Learning BCR Homework: Verona BCR Due ¾ Elizabethan Times Quiz 3/7 Objective: TSWBAT link appropriate experiences and prior knowledge about the topic, author, or type of material in order to understand the text. Drill: If you are asked to compare and contrast, what do you need to do to fully answer the question and what kind of organizer might you use?

28 I NTRODUCTION TO T RAGEDY In your literature section title a page tragedy and date the page. Respond to the following questions by creating a list for each. You will have four minutes. GO! 1. What comes to mind when you hear the word drama? 2. What comes to mind when you hear the word tragedy?

29 W HAT IS TRAGIC ? Determine which of these events is most TRAGIC--order them least to greatest 1. Lost your Ipod touch 2. Baseball game rained out 3. Gerbil, Fluffy, passes on 4. New Air Jordans get muddy 5. Tickets to favorite movie sold out 6. $20 bill falls out during recess--you suspect your BFF took it 7. Feeling sorry, you “help” your crush during a test, get caught, both fail, and as a result, flunk the class; BUT you learn a lesson, and never cheat again

30 T RAGEDY D EFINITION Tragedy is a play in which a main character, called the tragic hero, suffers a downfall. The downfall may result from outside forces, as in the case of Romeo and Juliet, who are doomed by the external workings of bigotry and fear. The downfall may result from a weakness within the character, which is known as a tragic flaw.

31 D RILL 17 (3/3) Homework: Review for Elizabethan Times quiz on 3/4. Verona Reading Due 3/4 Objective: TSWBAT link appropriate experiences and prior knowledge about the topic, author, or type of material in order to understand the text. Drill: If you are asked to trace events or information, what do you need to do to fully answer the question?

32 S TRUCTURAL E LEMENTS OF TRAGEDY All Shakespeare’s plays are in five acts. Each Act has a purpose. Act I: Includes the exposition and the exciting force Act II: Develops the rising action Act III: Continues to develop the rising action and always contains the climax Act IV: Falling Action Act V: Falling action ends and the conclusion occurs

33 V OCABULARY Act: A major division of a play. All Shakespeare’s plays are in five acts. Aside: A comment made by a character that is heard by the audience or another character but is not heard by other characters on stage. (Think Everybody Hates Chris or Malcome In the Middle) Soliloquy: A long speech delivered by a character who is on stage alone. Reveals the private thoughts of the character.

34 V OCABULARY Monologue: Long speech given by a character when other characters are on stage to hear. Usually gives background information. Comic Relief: A short, funny episode that interrupts an otherwise serious or tragic work of drama. Used to break the tension of a serious event. Male Actors: Women are forbidden from acting. So all the roles—yes including Juliet are played by men or boys.

35 E XIT T ICKET What cool or interesting fact did you learn about Elizabethan Times or William Shakespeare today? Write in complete sentences and turn in before you leave today.

36 D RILL 18 (3/4) Homework: Review for Quiz 2/7 Objective: TSWBAT demonstrate knowledge of Elizabethan time by taking a quiz based on research in order to prepare for reading Romeo and Juliet. Drill: If you are asked to infer and explain what do you need to do to fully answer the question?

37 I NFER Make an inference based on this picture and caption.

38 D RILL 19 Homework: Elizabethan Times quiz 3/10 Stations packet and Globe Theater Packet due on Quiz day. Objective: TSWBAT link appropriate experiences and prior knowledge about the topic, author, or type of material in order to understand the text. Drill: Next slide

39 D RILL 19 As you read each sentence, use the other words in the sentence to help you figure out what the underlined word means. Explain your answer. I carefully scrutinized my report one more time before I turned it in just to make sure that it was free of any errors. What does scrutinized mean? Before you look at the choices try to answer the question.

40 D RILL 19 I carefully scrutinized my report one more time before I turned it in just to make sure that it was free of any errors. What does scrutinized mean? A. inspected B. outlined C. printed D. Rewrote Are there any choices you know are wrong?

41 D RILL 20 (3/9) Homework: Elizabethan Times quiz 3/10 Stations Packet and Globe Theater due 3/10 Objective: TSWBAT link appropriate experiences and prior knowledge about the topic, author, or type of material in order to understand the text. Drill: Next Slide

42 D RILL 20 As you read each sentence, use the other words in the sentence to help you figure out what the underlined word means. Explain your answer. Although it was true that my baby sister ruined my social studies project, my teacher was skeptical of my explanation until I showed her the smeared poster. Skeptical means the teacher is.. Before you look at the choices try to answer the question.

43 D RILL 20 Although it was true that my baby sister ruined my social studies project, my teacher was skeptical of my explanation until I showed her the smeared poster. Skeptical means the teacher is …… A. doubtful B. interested C. irritated D. Uneasy Are there any answers you can eliminate?

44 D RILL 21 (3/14) HOMEWORK: Work on Shakespeare Festival: begin learning lines About the Author due 3/18 Objective: TSWBAT demonstrate knowledge of Elizabethan time by taking a quiz based on research in order to prepare for reading Romeo and Juliet. Drill: Take out your Stations Packet and Globe Theater Packet. Review for the quiz. Make sure all questions are answered.

45 D RILL 22 (3/15) Homework: About the Author 3/18 Shakespeare Festival Objective: TSWBAT demonstrate the ability to examine the conventions of Shakespearean drama in order to explain the main idea or argument. Drill: Anticipation Guide Handout. Please complete.

46 D RILL 23 (3/17) Homework: About the Author Shakespeare Festival Objective: TSWBAT demonstrate the ability to examine the conventions of Shakespearean drama in order to connect the text to prior knowledge or personal experiences that will increase understanding. Drill: Why does Shakespeare outline the play in the Prologue?

47 D RILL 24 (3/18) Take out About the Author Homework: Status Check 1 3/22 Shakespeare Festival Objective: Objective: TSWBAT demonstrate the ability to examine the conventions of Shakespearean drama in order to make inferences and make generalizations about the text. Drill: Determine the mood of the following passage. Explain why you selected this mood. Remember mood is an emotion the reader feels expressed through figurative language. How does this make you feel?

48 D RILL 24 O woe! O woeful, woeful, woeful day! Most lamentable day. Most woeful day That ever, ever I did yet behold! O day, O day, O day! O hateful day! Never was seen so black a day as this. O woeful day! O woeful day!" - William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, 4:5

49 D RILL 25 3/22 Homework: Review for Quiz Objective: Objective: TSWBAT demonstrate the ability to examine the conventions of Shakespearean drama in order to make inferences and make generalizations about the text. Drill: Who said this and why? “What drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. Have at thee coward.”

50 D RILL 25 O woe! O woeful, woeful, woeful day! Most lamentable day. Most woeful day That ever, ever I did yet behold! O day, O day, O day! O hateful day! Never was seen so black a day as this. O woeful day! O woeful day!" - William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, 4:5

51 D RILL 26 Homework memorize your lines for Shakespeare Festival Drama Quiz 3/24 Objective: TSWBAT recognize poetic techniques such at blank verse, rhymed couplets, and internal rhyme used by Shakespeare in order to create meaning from the play. Drill: Read the passage on the next slide. Notice anything you can about the words, the imagery, the patterns.

52 D RILL 26 Romeo and Juliet Act II Scene i ROMEO (When he sees Juliet on the balcony) But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the East and Juliet is the sun! Arise fair sun and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief That though her maid art far more fair than she.

53 B LANK V ERSE Written in iambic pentameter Does not rhyme

54 D RILL 27 Homework: Status Check 2/Journal Entry 3/28 Shakespeare Festival Learn Lines Objective: TSWBAT analyze how dialogue and stage directions work together to create characters and plot in order to understand and interpret Romeo and Juliet. Drill: Skim through Act I noticing the stage directions. Why are these important to understanding the play?

55 D RILL 28 (3/28) Take out Status Check 2 Homework: Memorize lines and bring in costumes and props. All due by 3/30 Act I quiz 4/1 Objective: TSWBAT read verse aloud and visualize the play through dramatic activities in order to understand the plot and theme. Drill: Explain how the nurse is a foil character to Lady Capulet. What does the reader learn about the relationship between Lady Capulet and Juliet from Act I scene iii?

56 D RILL 29 (3/29) Homework: Memorize your lines. Bring costumes in. Status Check 3 4/12 Act 1 Quiz 4/1 Objective: TSWBAT analyze language and structural features to determine meaning such as literal versus figurative meaning in poetry. Drill: Read the Prologue to Act II (either in your book or on the next slide). What do you notice about the structure of the prologue? What imagery does Shakespeare use? Paraphrase the Prologue.

57 A CT II SCENE I P ROLOGUE Chorus Now old desire doth in his death-bed lie, And young affection gapes to be his heir; That fair for which love groan'd for and would die, With tender Juliet match'd, is now not fair. Now Romeo is beloved and loves again, Alike betwitched by the charm of looks, But to his foe supposed he must complain, And she steal love's sweet bait from fearful hooks: Being held a foe, he may not have access To breathe such vows as lovers use to swear; And she as much in love, her means much less To meet her new-beloved any where: But passion lends them power, time means, to meet Tempering extremities with extreme sweet.

58 P ROLOGUE (T RANSLATION ) The old love affair is dead now, and a new love yearns to take its place. The beautiful Roseline, once so desirable and worth dying for, is now not beautiful when compared to the lovely Juliet. Now, Romeo is loved, and he loves again Both he and Juliet are bewitched by the magic spell of loving looks. He must court so-called enemy. Responding, she must take some mortal risks. Being a foe, he can’t see her to swear the usual lovers’ vows. And she, just as much in love, has even fewer opportunities t meet her newly beloved, anywhere. Passion gives them the motive, and time the means, to meet: their hardships make encounters all the sweeter.

59 D RILL 30 Homework: Memorize your lines. Bring costumes in. Status Check 3 4/12 Act 1 Quiz 4/1 Objective: TSWBAT read verse aloud and visualize the play through dramatic activities in order to understand the plot and theme. Drill: Paraphrase the following lines. Who is talking to whom? But saying o'er what I have said before: My child is yet a stranger in the world; She hath not seen the change of fourteen years, Let two more summers wither in their pride, Ere we may think her ripe to be a bride.

60 N OTEBOOK Q UIZ 1 Put the correct heading on your paper. Heading and questions are five points each. 1. What is the answer to drill 2 2. Who is Prince Escalus based on? (name) 3. What is Royal Patronage? 4. What is tragedy? 5. Give one example of a particular and a universal.

61 D RILL 31 (4/1) Homework: Status Check 3 4/12 Act 1 Similes Handout. Objective: TSWBAT read verse aloud and visualize the play through dramatic activities in order to understand the plot and theme. Drill: Paraphrase the following passage. I take thee at thy word. Call me but love, and I will be new baptised: Hencefore I never will be Romeo. Act II: scene ii: lines 48-50

62 D RILL 1 4/4 Homework: Bring a lunch tomorrow. Have your lines memorized. Bring all costumes and props. Objective: TSWBAT read verse aloud and visualize the play through dramatic activities in order to understand the plot and theme. Drill: Collect scripts and props for dress rehearsal.

63 C ATEGORY C T IME Congratulations! You got the entry question answer. Remain seated and talked quietly with your friends.

64 D RILL 2 4/7 Homework: Status Check 3 4/14 Objective: TSWBAT read verse aloud and visualize the play through dramatic activities in order to understand the plot and theme. Drill: Reflect on the Shakespeare Festival. How did you contribute to the performance? What was the best part of the festival for you? How did we compare with other performances? Were you prepared? What did you learn by participating in the festival?

65 D RILL 3 4/8 Homework: Status Check 3 4/14 Objective: TSWBAT read verse aloud and visualize the play through dramatic activities in order to understand the plot and theme. Drill: Look at your goals from Quarters 1-3. How are you doing in meeting your goals? What is a final goal you can set for fourth quarter? Remember your goal needs to be specific, actionable, and measurable. Example: I will improve my writing organization by always completing an outline before I write. This will improve my writing.

66 D RILL 4 (4/11) Homework: Status Check 3 4/14 Objective: TSWBAT read verse aloud and visualize the play through dramatic activities in order to understand the plot and theme. Drill: Describe how the mood of Act II changes from beginning to end. Give examples to support your answer.

67 D RILL 5 (4/14) Homework: Status Check 4 4/29 Objective: TSWBAT read verse aloud and visualize the play through dramatic activities in order to understand the plot and theme. Drill: What is significant about the letter Tybalt sends to Romeo? Mercutio does not think Romeo will win a fight between he and Tybalt. Why?

68 D RILL 6 (4/15) Homework: Status Check 4 4/29 Objective: TSWBAT read verse aloud and visualize the play through dramatic activities in order to understand the plot and theme. Drill: How do the conflicting themes of love and hate move the plot forward in Act III.


70 D RILL 7 (4/26) Homework: Status Check 4 4/29 Quiz Act III 4/28 Objective: Objective: TSWBAT use dramatic activities to visualize the play Romeo and Juliet in order to understand theme and plot. Drill: Paraphrase the following passage: What is the allusion (reference to another piece of literature)? Who is speaking and why? (Next slide)

71 D RILL 7 Gallop apace, you fiery-footed steeds, Towards Phoebus’ lodging. Such a waggoner As Phaeton would whip you to the west And bring in cloudy night immediately. Answer: Juliet is waiting for Romeo on her wedding night. She does not know that Romeo has killed Tybalt.

72 D RILL 8 (4/28) Homework: Status Check 4 4/29 Objective: TSWBAT use dramatic activities to visualize the play Romeo and Juliet in order to understand theme and plot. Drill: Act III of a Shakespearean play always contains the climax of the story. What do you think is the climax of Romeo and Juliet?

73 D RILL 9 (4/29) Homework: Status Check 5 5/5 Objective: TSWBAT use dramatic activities to visualize the play Romeo and Juliet in order to understand theme and plot. Drill: Romeo and Juliet fall in love at first sight. Do you believe in love at first sight? Explain your answer using examples from personal experiences or observation. (3-4 sentences)

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