The METASIP Strategic Analysis and Knowledge System (SAKSS)

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Presentation on theme: "The METASIP Strategic Analysis and Knowledge System (SAKSS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The METASIP Strategic Analysis and Knowledge System (SAKSS)

2 Outline of Presentation
Introduction /Objective of the SAKSS Function of the SAKSS Composition of the SAKSS Specific tasks Skills requirement Start up activities SAKSS thematic areas

3 Introduction /objectives
The objective of the SAKSS is to improve the quality of design and implementation of policies and strategies in Ghana’s agriculture sector. It is one of the mechanisms under the METASIP Steering Committee for coordination, participation and governance for effective implementation of the METASIP.

4 Introduction /objectives
SAKSS is being implemented by 4 members of the Consultative Group on International Agriculture Research (CGIAR) : IFPRI - for overall continental co-ordination, the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) in South Africa for the southern Africa region, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Nigeria for the West Africa region and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) for the East and Central Africa region. ReSAKSS WA is the Regional SAKSS for the West Africa region. It works with the ECOWAS in implementing the CAADP and ECOWAP in West Africa. Under the CAADP process each country is expected to set up a Country-SAKSS in order to guide the implementation of country investment programmes like the Ghana METASIP. The African union has mandated the ReSAKSS in each region to assist in setting up the country SAKSS.

5 Functions of the SAKSS The main functions of the SAKSS will be to:
(i) coordinate a collaborative work in a network so as to mobilize the available expertise in order to generate the targeted knowledge products to support the implementation of agricultural and rural development programs and (ii) ensure accessible storage and dissemination of such products. Therefore, the SAKSS will rely on: An analytical node (SAKSS Node) of state and non-state actors, researchers and analysts from research centers, statistical services, planning units, universities, etc and A system for review, dialogue, and advocacy, coordinated by a senior official who brings together all stakeholders. This includes the annual JSR and the Agriculture Public Private Dialogue (APPD) established this year through PEF.

6 Functions of the SAKSS In general key questions to address include:
Is Ghana on track to meet its own growth targets for the agricultural sector as expressed in the FASDEP II, METASIP, GSGDA? And any ECOWAS and CAADP targets? Have expectations in terms of achieving the growth and poverty and hunger reduction targets been met so far? If not what are the reasons? And what needs to be rethought, re-planned, or fixed to get it on track?

7 Composition of the SAKSS
In the METASIP context, thematic working groups on each of the 6 programmes of METASIP have been created with each programme led by a coordinator. The 6 coordinators will form a technical group to facilitate the work of the SAKSS Node. Constitution of thematic groups was based on institutional representation on four areas. There is an average of 8 institutions per thematic area and others will be co-opted as needed. Institutional representation includes: Policy institution – public sector Knowledge institution – academia, research Private sector – entrepreneurs, FBOs Civil society – NGOs etc programmes-Food security and emergency preparedness; Improved growth in incomes; Increased competitiveness and enhanced integration into domestic and international markets; Sustainable management of land and environment; Science and Technology Applied in food and agriculture development; Improved Institutional Coordination.

8 Specific tasks Their mission will be to provide advice and guidance for the achievement of the programme goals and will have in particular the following tasks: Draft and adopt TORs and annual workplan for the thematic area Ensure that work plan is funded and implemented Ensure quality of work and adopt technical reports produced by experts/consultants Support the sector planning and strategy development process with evidence to improve the quality of design and implementation of policies and strategies Link up with ReSAKSS West Africa (ReSAKSS-WA) to: (a) access technical and analytical support; and (b) to contribute to review and dialogue at the regional and continental levels by providing information on specific indicators associated with the overall CAADP M&E framework Conduct studies to improve on strategic objectives and options Disseminate findings of the studies and facilitate thematic area dialogue to inform agricultural sector review. Advocate for decisions based on the results and recommendations of the studies

9 Generating relevant data/statistics to feed into the above.
4 generic activities of SAKSS Description Strategic analysis Knowledge management Research studies to identify and assess policy and investment options in the sector Spatial analysis for example of the impact of investments on poverty, food consumption and nutrition of children at national and local level and the analysis of the effect of agricultural innovations on development Monitoring and evaluation and publication of an annual report on trends and prospects in the agricultural sector Generating relevant data/statistics to feed into the above. Contribute to the sub-regional level analyses of investments, strategies and policies as required by ReSAKSS Facilitate access of researchers and those working on the development of agriculture in the country to relevant data. Make recommendations to strengthen networks of collection, analysis and dissemination. Packaging, dissemination and archiving of information/knowledge generated from strategic analysis. Influencing policy with the knowledge. Feed ReSAKSS WA with country level data on relevant indicators.

10 Coordination and governance Policy analysis and modeling
Activity Description Capacity building Coordination and governance Policy analysis and modeling Geo-spatial Information Systems Investment analysis and priority setting Work with networks of institutions and existing expertise. Strengthen the statistics and planning units of MOFA Strengthen among others institutions in charge of research, data collection, analysis and policies formulation as well as various professional organizations representing the sector, such as producer organizations, processors, etc.

11 Skills requirement /start up activities:
Skills requirement include: Knowledge of agricultural policy analytical tools and research methods Experience with knowledge management and agricultural policy processes Experience in working with research management and policy Start up activities The SAKSS was launched in July 2011. The maiden meeting takes place on 15th December 2011. The programme for the meeting includes orientation of SAKSS officers and development of 2012 annual workplan. This will include capacity building needs of the Node to carry out their activities. Participation in the meeting includes the officers representing the institutions identified for each thematic area, officers from ReSAKSS West Africa (ReSAKSS-WA), IFPRI, Africa Lead, the METASIP Steering Committee and its Secretariat.

12 Programme Components Coordinator 1. Food security and emergency preparedness Productivity Improvement, support to nutrition, diversification of livelihood options, food storage and distribution, early warning systems and emergency preparedness, irrigation and water management and mechanisation. Zalia Zempare, Agriculture Economist, Deputy Director, Directorate of Policy Planning Monitoring and Evaluation, Ministry of Food and Agriculture 2. Increased growth in incomes Promotion of cash crop, livestock and fisheries production for income, development of new products, development of pilot value chains, intensification of FBO and out-grower concept, development of rural infrastructure, support to urban and peri-urban agriculture. Paulina Addy, Deputy Director, Responsible for food safety related environmental and gender concerns, Directorate of Women in Agriculture Development, Ministry of Food and Agriculture 3. Increased competitive-ness and enhanced integration into domestic and international markets Marketing of Ghanaian Produce in Domestic and International Markets: increasing marketed output, grading and standardization. Ruth Woode, Director Deputy, Directorate of Plant Protection and Regulatory Services, Ministry of Food and Agriculture 4. Sustainable management of land and Environment Awareness Creation and Use of SLM Technologies by Men and Women Farmers: policy and regulations, institutional capacity, technology dissemination and adoption, policy, investment and incentive system. Delali Kofi Nutsukpo, Deputy Director, Responsible for sustainable land management activites, Directorate of Crop Services, Ministry of Food and Agriculture 5. Science and technology applied in food and agriculture Uptake of Technology along the value chain, application of biotechnology in agriculture, research funding and management of agriculture research information. Justice Amoah, Deputy Director, Agriculture Extension Services, Ministry of Food and Agriculture 6. Improved institutional coordination Institutional strengthening and intra-ministerial coordination, inter-ministerial coordination, partnership with private sector and civil society organisations and coordination with development partners. Angela Dannson, Agriculture Economist, Deputy Director, Directorate of Policy Planning Monitoring and Evaluation, Ministry of Food and Agriculture


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