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Personal Development, Health and Physical Education PDHPE is one of 6 learning areas in the NSW primary K-6 curriculum. Covers students wellbeing, inclusive.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal Development, Health and Physical Education PDHPE is one of 6 learning areas in the NSW primary K-6 curriculum. Covers students wellbeing, inclusive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal Development, Health and Physical Education PDHPE is one of 6 learning areas in the NSW primary K-6 curriculum. Covers students wellbeing, inclusive of social, mental, physical and spiritual health. Develops in students the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

2 Health teaches students: Important decision making skills The value of nutrition and a healthy diet The effects of drug use. The importance of personal safety including road safety, water safety, school and playground safety. Emergency procedures Personal identity Sexuality and the human body Communication and relationships with family and peers.

3 Physical Education teaches students: Ways to be active and the effects of being active The basic foundations of human movement including: locomotive skills such as walking, running and skipping Non-locomotive skills such as balancing, twisting and turning. Manipulative skills including lifting, throwing, striking, kicking and dribbling The importance of game playing A vast variety of sports

4 Why do schools NEED PDHPE? The skills learnt in both health and PE are necessary to function in today’s world. With obesity such a prominent problem especially in young children, the importance of learning about nutrition and having an active lifestyle is essential as a preventative measure. As well as ensuring kids are physically healthy, PDHPE ensures students are emotionally healthy as they learn about decision making, communication with people, relationships and personal identity. As well as learning about themselves they learn how to stay safe in regards to environmental health including road safety, water safety, home and school safety.

5 My rational as a teacher.. I believe that all subjects taught in Australian schools are important and have their place. PDHPE is particularly important as it teaches skills for life. As someone who strives to live a healthy and active lifestyle, I believe that as a teacher my students will see my passion for this subject and this in turn will enhance their learning experience in PDHPE.

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