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Advocating teaching PDHPE in Primary Schools. Teaching PDHPE in Primary Schools is Important Because it teaches students : Active lifestyle and physical.

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Presentation on theme: "Advocating teaching PDHPE in Primary Schools. Teaching PDHPE in Primary Schools is Important Because it teaches students : Active lifestyle and physical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advocating teaching PDHPE in Primary Schools

2 Teaching PDHPE in Primary Schools is Important Because it teaches students : Active lifestyle and physical activity Safe Living- Road safety, personal safety Growth and Development- personal identity, the body and sexuality Personal Health Choices- nutrition, decision making, drug education, health choices and preventive measures Interpersonal relationships- relationships, communication, family and peers.

3 Why Is PDHPE Important: Students learn how to live a happy, healthy, productive and responsible life. They learn the importance and need of skills and values Students learn the importance of physical activity It helps students understand healthy eating and food choices Encourages students to value themselves and others

4 PDHPE Develops a Childs: Interactive skills Movement skills Decision-making skills Problem solving skills Communication skills

5 PDHPE AIMS: Skills - Communicating - Making healthy choices -Movement -Positive relationships Values and Attitudes -Appreciation of healthy living -Commitment to healthy choices Knowledge and Understanding - Enhancing personal health and wellbeing -Enhancing community health -Appreciation and recognition of the need of exercise

6 Once Children Develop Their Values and Attitudes: They will: Enjoy a sense of belonging Realize their full potential Accept responsibility for personal health Respect others differences in values and attitudes Value their self worth

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