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Rationale For Teaching Personal Development Health and Physical Education (P.D.H.P.E) in Primary Schools The Aim of P.D.H.P.E is to effectively educate.

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Presentation on theme: "Rationale For Teaching Personal Development Health and Physical Education (P.D.H.P.E) in Primary Schools The Aim of P.D.H.P.E is to effectively educate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rationale For Teaching Personal Development Health and Physical Education (P.D.H.P.E) in Primary Schools The Aim of P.D.H.P.E is to effectively educate students on how to adopt a healthy lifestyle which may be affected by social and cultural norms

2 Why Teach P.D.H.P.E? Through the teaching of P.D.H.P.E students will not only benefit physically but also mentally, emotionally and socially. Students will be involved in physical activity – promoting a healthy lifestyle, develop decision making skills that will be beneficial to them in everyday life and also become more aware of themselves and their peers. Students develop knowledge and understanding, skills and values and attitudes that are needed to lead healthy, active and fulfilling lives.

3 The P.D.H.P.E Curriculum and the skills taught to your Child Personal Health Choices Making decisions Preventive measures Environmental health Nutrition Active Lifestyle Safe Living Ways to be active Components of an active lifestyle Effects of physical activities Personal safety Road safety Water safety Emergency procedures School and play safety

4 Dance Relationships Communication Families Peers Groups Playing the games Athletics Aquatics Manipulative skills Personal identity The body Human sexuality Changes Values Non locomotor skills Elements of movement Composition Locomotor skills Non locomotr skills Dance styles Composition Gymnastics Games and Sports Growth and Development Interpersonal Relationship

5 Benefits of P.D.H.P.E being taught to your child P.D.H.P.E not only encourages students to lead a healthy, active lifestyle but it also encompasses the other curriculums of English, Math and Technology. It is through the combination of numerous curriculums that truly enhance P.D.H.P.E’s ability to teach students about healthy living. P.D.H.P.E is great in the K – 6 curriculum as it allows students to develop decision making skills, problem solving skills, communication skills, movement skills and social interaction skills.

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