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REVIEW 1. Why was Virginia founded? A. religious freedom B. To learn about the Native American culture. C. They were searching for gold and riches.

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Presentation on theme: "REVIEW 1. Why was Virginia founded? A. religious freedom B. To learn about the Native American culture. C. They were searching for gold and riches."— Presentation transcript:

1 REVIEW 1. Why was Virginia founded? A. religious freedom B. To learn about the Native American culture. C. They were searching for gold and riches.

2 Answer to 1 C. They were searching for gold and riches.

3 Question 2 Which best describes the beliefs of anti-federalists? A. they were for a stronger federal government B. they promoted more power for the state C. they were for higher taxes to support the federal government

4 Answer to #2 B. they promoted more power for the state

5 Question 3 Which definition best explains federalism? A. relationship between states and the federal government B. The relationship between the states and the people. C. Washington D.C. has power over all the people.

6 Answer to 3 A. relationship between U.S. governments and the federal government

7 Question 4 Why did the Pilgrams, Quakers and settlers in Jamestown and Connecticut set up representative governments? A. to ensure everyone in their colony was the same religion. B. To separate church and state C. To have an organized consensus type system to run their colony.

8 Answer to #4 C. To have an organized consensus type system to run their colony.

9 Question 5 Why does the constitution allow for changes to it through the use of amendments? A. so that government has authority to do what they need to do. B. To allow laws to adapt with changing times. C. To give the president more freedom to pass laws.

10 Answer to #5 B. To allow laws to adapt with changing times

11 Question 6 What impact did the Quartering Acts, Stamp Act, Writs of Assistance and Proclamation Line all have in common? A. They were all taxes? B. They angered the colonists against England C. They all had to do with housing of colonists. D. They were all imposed only the northern colonies.

12 Answer to #6 B. They angered the colonists against England

13 Question 7 Which document starts with the words, “We the people?” A. The Declaration of Independence B. The Magna Carta C. The U.S. Constitution D. The Mayflower Compact

14 Answer to #7 C. The U.S. Constitution

15 Question #8 Which battle did Cornwallis surrender? A. The Battle of Yorktown B. The Battle of Lexington and Concord C. The Battle of Princeton D. The Battle of Trenton

16 Answer to #8 A. The Battle of Yorktown

17 Question 9 Which of the following best describes the Northern Colonies? A. Moist and humid air, very warm and good for growing things. B. Cold and rocky, not great soil C. Long growing seasons, good soil D. Great area for raising cattle

18 Answer to #9 B. Cold and rocky, not great soil

19 Question 10 Which of the following best describes a monarchy? A. A government where the ruler is voted in B. A republic C. Head of state, a king, queen, or emperor.

20 Question 10 C. Head of state, a king, queen, or emperor.

21 Question 11 What was the Northwest Ordinance? A. It was the process in which states in the Northwest Territories could become a state. B. It was a ruling on allowing settlers to move east. C. It allowed for freedom of speech and expression.

22 Answer to 11 A. It was the process in which states in the Northwest Territories could become a state

23 Question 12 How did federalists convince anti-federalists to sign the constitution? A. They bribed them with money. B. They threatened to cut their state out of the country. C. They agreed to add a Bill of Rights after elections. D. They agreed to add the Declaration of Independence.

24 Answer to 12 C. They agreed to add a Bill of Rights after elections.

25 Question 13 Why did the colonists want to separate from England? A. Because England was not protecting their rights. B. Because they wanted freedom of religion C. Because they wanted to have more slavery D. Because they wanted to be ruled by France.

26 Answer to 13 A. Because England was not protecting their rights.

27 Question 14 Which group of colonies had the most to gain from the 3/5 Compromise? A. The north B. The south C. The middle colonies D. It effected them all the same

28 Answer to 14 B. The south-they had many more slaves the citizens and they needed the 3/5 compromise in order to get more representation in the house of representatives.

29 Question 15 Which group of colonies had more industrial type of jobs? A. The north B. The south C. The middle colonies D. All the same

30 Answer to 15 A. The north they had more manufacturing type jobs while the south produced more raw materials such as tobacco and cotton while the middle colonies provided more of the cattle.

31 Question 16 Which of the following addressed the colonists justification for the revolution? A. The Magna Carta B. The Bill of Rights C. The U.S. Constitution D. The Declaration of Independence

32 Answer to 16 D. The Declaration of Independence

33 Question 17 What came about because of the Great Compromise? A. The New Jersey Plan B. Slaves were equal to 3/5 a vote in the state census C. The would be an executive branch D. A two house legislature

34 Answer to 17 D. A two house legislature

35 Question 18 Patrick Henry said, “Give me liberty or give me death” in regards to which of the following. A. Fighting in the French and Indian War B. Right before boarding ships in the Boston Tea party C. In regards to going to war with England

36 Answer to 18 C. In regards to going to war with England. What he was basically saying is he would rather die then live under tyranny.

37 Question 19 Which two wars both ended in a treaty called, “The Treaty of Paris?” A. The War of 1812 and the Revolutionary War B. The French and Indian War and the Revolutionary War C. The Civil War and the French and Indian War

38 Question 19 B. The French and Indian War and the Revolutionary War

39 Question 20 Which of the following does not apply to George Washington? A. He was a colonel in the French and Indian War B. He was president of the U.S. Constitutional Convention C. He was a founding father and our first president D. He wrote the Declaration of Independence

40 Answer to 20 D. He wrote the Declaration of Independence

41 Question 21 Where was the Constitutional Convention? A. Washington D.C. B. Boston C. New York D. Philadelphia

42 Answer 21 D. Philadelphia

43 Question 22 Which of the following statements is true. A. Originally the intention at the convention was to change the Articles of Confederation and not throw it out. B. The Bill of Rights were ratified the same day as the Constitution C. Anti-federalists and Federalists agreed on the New Jersey Plan. D. Ben Franklin was the president of the convention.

44 Answer to 22 A. Originally the intention at the convention was to change the Articles of Confederation and not throw it out.

45 Question 23 What are the amendments 4-8 known as? A. Freedoms of expression and speech B. Right to Bear Arms C. Due process D. Right to live with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

46 Question 23 C. Due process

47 Question 24 What are was the Northwest Ordinance made up of? A. All states west of the Mississippi B. Texas and California C. Ohio River Valley Area D. Wisconsin

48 Answer to 24 C. Ohio River Valley Area

49 Question 25 Who is the Speaker of the House? A. The President B. The Vice President C. The Senate majority leader D. The House majority leader

50 Answer 25 D. The House majority leader

51 Question 26 Which of the following best explains federalism? A.When the states and the central/federal government work together to govern. B.The government that runs each state C.The tax system that the U.S. is taxed by D.The government that runs out of Washington D.C.

52 Answer to 26 A. When the states and the central/federal government work together to govern.

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