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Georgia in the Revolutionary War September 10, 2012.

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1 Georgia in the Revolutionary War September 10, 2012

2 Remember… When the Revolutionary War started in _____, many in Georgia were apprehensive –Georgia was still very young and __________ on Britain for _________ assistance When the Declaration of Independence was sent to Georgia to be read, excitement grew and war preparations started –It was signed by 3 Georgians: __________________________________________ However, it was many years before the war actually reached Georgia

3 The Battle of Kettle Creek Even in _____, many people in Georgia still claimed to be _________ to Britain In _______________, a rebel ________ group attacked about 800 ______ soldiers at Kettle Creek, near Washington, Ga. They were led by ________________ The Patriots __________ the British, and even though it was a minor victory, it lifted the _______ of Georgia soldiers and allowed the Patriots to take much needed _________ and weapons from the defeated British soldiers

4 The Battle of Kettle Creek Elijah Clarke

5 Austin Dabney Part of Colonel Clarke’s militia group at _____________ He was a _______________ (mixed white and black) He fought bravely and was wounded After the war, when veterans were given plots of _____ as part of their military payment, many did ___ want him to receive his payment because he was part black –He was eventually given his land and turned it into a profitable _____

6 The Siege of Savannah In _______________, _______ forces took control of Savannah In ________________, __________________ forces arrived to fight to get Savannah back On __________, they attacked, but ________ Savannah would remain in _______ control for 3 ½ more years until the end of the war

7 Nancy Hart Nancy Hart’s neighbor was killed by ___________ When those Loyalists showed up at Nancy’s, they demanded she feed them She gave them whiskey to drink, which impaired their _______ –She told her daughters to run for _____ She stole their _______, and ________ one of the soldiers When help arrived, the soldiers were taken into _________ They were eventually ______ and __________________ of Nancy Hart’s neighbor

8 The End of the War The last major land battle of the war was fought on October 9, ______ in Yorktown, Virginia With help from the French, _____________________ and his troops caused the ____________ of the British Army This surrender prompted the British government to start negotiating an _____ to the war

9 A New Government With the end of the Revolution in _____, America was now officially under its _____ control The new country wanted a _____________ vastly ____________ from Great Britain’s In 1781, the ________________________ were approved, which deliberately established a ______ central government in order to give the individual _______ more ________

10 Problems in the new country The Articles of Confederation had many __________ Each state only had _____ vote in Congress There was no chief _________ (president) The government did not have the ________ to regulate _______ between the states or with foreign countries Each state had its own ___________ The __________ began moving back in and reoccupied some territory north of the Ohio River and the new government could not _____ them

11 Revising the Articles of Confederation George Washington and others knew that the Articles would have to be _________ or the new country would fail A ___________________________ met in Philadelphia in 1787 to ________ the Articles They needed to make the _________ government __________ They eventually wrote ____________________________________ On September 28, 1787, they approved it and sent it to the states for ___________

12 Georgia’s role in the Constitution In _____, William Pierce, William Few, Abraham Baldwin, and William Houstoun went to Philadelphia to participate in the ____________________ Only __________________ stayed until the end to _____ the new Constitution

13 Reasons why Georgia ratified the new Constitution Georgia supported the new Constitution for ____ big reasons –First: Georgia needed a strong ________ government to help _______ the state from the threat of ________ –Second: They need the government’s help to ________ land from the Indians so the state could _______ On _______________, Georgia became the 4 th colony to ratify the U.S. Constitution and become the _____ state of the new United States of America

14 Questions: 1) Why was Georgia apprehensive about the Revolution? 2) Who were Georgia’s signers of the Declaration of Independence? 3) Who won the Battle of Kettle Creek 4) Who led the Patriot soldiers at the Battle of Kettle Creek? 5) Who was Austin Dabney? 6) When was the Siege of Savannah? 7) Who controlled Savannah after the siege? 8) Who was Nancy Hart? 9) Where was the last major land battle of the Revolution fought? 10) What document was written and approved in 1781? 11) Why did the Articles of Confederation purposely establish a weak central government? 12) List the 4 main problems with the Articles of Confederation

15 More Questions… 13) What was the purpose of the Constitutional Convention meeting in 1787? 14) What document was written at the Constitutional Convention of 1787? 15) Who were Georgia’s signers of the U.S. Constitution? 16) What were Georgia’s reasons for ratifying the Constitution? 17) Georgia was the _____ state to ratify the Constitution.

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