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Eco 340 820 Money & Banking Spring 2008 Course information Course policies Course information Course policies.

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1 Eco 340 820 Money & Banking Spring 2008 Course information Course policies Course information Course policies

2 Who am I? Elizabeth Dunne Schmitt Dr. Schmitt, Dr. Liz 431 Mahar. x3455 Office hours:  MWF 10-11:30, T 11:15-12:15  and by appt. Elizabeth Dunne Schmitt Dr. Schmitt, Dr. Liz 431 Mahar. x3455 Office hours:  MWF 10-11:30, T 11:15-12:15  and by appt.

3 About this course Intro Financial markets  Interest rates, exchange rates, stock market, derivatives Financial institutions  structure, regulation Federal Reserve System & monetary policy Role of money in the economy Intro Financial markets  Interest rates, exchange rates, stock market, derivatives Financial institutions  structure, regulation Federal Reserve System & monetary policy Role of money in the economy

4 Course materials required:  textbook  Money, Banking & Financial Markets (1 st OR 2 nd edition) Cecchetti  in both bookstores required:  textbook  Money, Banking & Financial Markets (1 st OR 2 nd edition) Cecchetti  in both bookstores

5 recommended:  course web site It’s free! Address on syllabus  course email list email will be delivered to your Oswego account If you use another account, forward your Oswego email recommended:  course web site It’s free! Address on syllabus  course email list email will be delivered to your Oswego account If you use another account, forward your Oswego email

6 GradingGrading 500 points total 3 exams during semester (100 pts ea.)  reweighted: 10% lowest score, 30% to highest score final exam (cumulative, 100 pts.) 6 homeworks (20 pts ea., lowest dropped)  due at beginning of class 500 points total 3 exams during semester (100 pts ea.)  reweighted: 10% lowest score, 30% to highest score final exam (cumulative, 100 pts.) 6 homeworks (20 pts ea., lowest dropped)  due at beginning of class

7 grading scale in syllabus extra credit  About 10 pts. during the semester  must be present in class when assigned attendance is not graded but is recorded grading scale in syllabus extra credit  About 10 pts. during the semester  must be present in class when assigned attendance is not graded but is recorded

8 MakeupsMakeups one week’s notice (except emergencies) require documented excused absence may be essay exams or I may reweight the other exams one week’s notice (except emergencies) require documented excused absence may be essay exams or I may reweight the other exams

9 AttendanceAttendance not explicitly graded but it is taken for SUNY records I expect regular attendance & punctuality  homework due at beginning of class you are responsible for information in class extra credit only available to those in attendance when it is offered not explicitly graded but it is taken for SUNY records I expect regular attendance & punctuality  homework due at beginning of class you are responsible for information in class extra credit only available to those in attendance when it is offered

10 CheatingCheating cheating on an exam means a failing grade in the course copied or very identical homework will receive a zero cheating on an exam means a failing grade in the course copied or very identical homework will receive a zero

11 Class cancellation campus-wide (weather related)  312-3333 Sign up for text/email campus alerts  Through MyOswego just me  my voicemail message  email announcement campus-wide (weather related)  312-3333 Sign up for text/email campus alerts  Through MyOswego just me  my voicemail message  email announcement

12 Course Outline & Schedule back page of syllabus weekly chapter coverage due dates for homework exam dates back page of syllabus weekly chapter coverage due dates for homework exam dates

13 Having problems in the course? see me sooner, not later! Need accomodation? see me after class or in my office

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