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Motivating Learners.

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1 Motivating Learners

2 Useful Motivation Theories
Social (Cognitive) Learning Information Processing Goal Setting Expectancy Reinforcement Need Equity

3 Social Learning Theory
Emphasizes that people learn by observing other persons (models) whom they believe are credible and knowledgeable. Recognizes that behavior that is reinforced or rewarded tends to be repeated. The models’ behavior or skill that is rewarded is adopted by the observer.

4 Social Learning Theory (continued)
Learning new skills or behavior comes from: directly experiencing the consequences of using behavior or skills, or the process of of observing others and seeing the consequences of their behavior Learning is also influenced by a person’s self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is a person’s judgment about whether she can successfully learn knowledge and skills.

5 Processes of Social Learning Theory
Match Modeled Performance Motor Reproduction Motivational Processes Attention Retention Model Stimuli Trainee Characteristics Coding Organization Rehearsal Physical Capability Accuracy Feedback Reinforcement

6 Information Processing Theory
These theories give more emphasis to the internal processes that occur when training content is learned and retained. This information can come from another person or the learner’s own observation of the results of his action. If the evaluation of the response is positive, this provides reinforcement that the behavior is desirable to be stored in long-term memory for use in similar situations.

7 A Model of Human Information Processing
Sensory Register Short-Term Memory Long-Term Memory Stimulus or Message Receptors Eyes Ears Nose Skin Environment Response Generator Effectors Feedback Reinforcement

8 Goal Theories Goal Setting Theory Goal Orientation Chapter 1
Prentice Hall, 2001

9 Goal Setting Theory (1 of 3)
Goal setting theory assumes behavior results from a person’s conscious goals and intentions Goals influence behavior by: directing energy and attention sustaining effort over time motivating the person to develop strategies for goal attainment

10 Goal Setting Theory (2 of 3)
Specific challenging goals result in better performance than vague, unchallenging goals Goals lead to high performance only if people are committed to the goal Employees are less likely to be committed to a goal if they believe it is too difficult

11 Goal Setting Theory (3 of 3)
Goal setting theory is used in training program design It suggests that learning can be facilitated by providing trainees with specific challenging goals and objectives The influence of goal setting theory can be seen in the development of training lesson plans

12 Goal Orientation (1 of 3) Goal orientation – refers to the goals held by a trainee in a learning situation Mastery orientation: relates to trying to increase ability or competence in a task Performance orientation: refers to a focus of learners on task performance and how they compare to others

13 Learners with a high mastery orientation –
Goal Orientation (2 of 3) Goal orientation affects the amount of effort a trainee will expend in learning (motivation to learn) Learners with a high mastery orientation – direct greater attention to the task learn for the sake of learning

14 Learners with a high performance orientation –
Goal Orientation (3 of 3) Learners with a high performance orientation – direct more attention to performing well devote less effort to learning Trainees with a learning orientation exert greater effort to learn and use more complex learning strategies than trainees with a performance orientation

15 Goal Theories Goal setting theory assumes behavior results from a person’s conscious goals and intentions. Goals influence behavior by directing energy and attention, sustaining effort over time, and motivating the person to develop strategies for goal attainment. Research suggests that specific challenging goals have been shown to lead to high performance only if people are committed to the goal.

16 Goal Theories (continued)
Goal setting theory is used in training program design. It suggests that learning can be facilitated by providing trainees with specific challenging goals and objectives. The influence of goal setting theory can be seen in the development of training lesson plans.

17 Reinforcement Theory Emphasizes that people are motivated to perform or avoid certain behaviors because of past outcomes that have resulted from those behaviors. Positive reinforcement Negative Reinforcement Extinction Punishment

18 Reinforcement Theory (continued)
From a training perspective, it suggests that for learners to acquire knowledge, change behavior, or modify skills, the trainer needs to identify what outcomes the learner finds most positive (and negative). Trainers then need to link these outcomes to learners acquiring knowledge, skills, or changing behaviors.

19 Schedules of Reinforcement
Ratio Schedules Fixed-ratio schedule Continuous reinforcement Variable-ratio schedule Interval Schedules Fixed-interval schedule Variable-interval schedule

20 Need theories suggest that to motivate learning:
Need theories help explain the value that a person places on certain outcomes. Need theories suggest that to motivate learning: trainers should identify trainees’ needs, and communicate how training program content relates to fulfilling these needs If the basic needs of trainees are not met, they are unlikely to be motivated to learn.

21 Expectancy Theory Expectancy theory suggests that a person’s behavior is based on three factors: Expectancy Instrumentality Valance

22 Expectancy Theory (continued)
Expectancy theory suggests that learning is most likely to occur when employees believe: They can learn the content of the program (expectancy) Learning is linked to outcomes such as better job performance, a salary increase, or peer recognition (instrumentality) Employees value these outcomes

23 Expectancy Theory of Motivation
Instrumentality Valance X X = Effort Effort Performance Performance Outcome Value of Outcome Does Trainee Have Ability to Learn? Does Trainee Believe He Can Learn? Does Trainee Believe Training Outcomes Promised Will Be Delivered? Are Outcomes Related to Training Valued?

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