Cheryl Blevens (Reference Instruction Librarian) Valentine Muyumba (Chair of Technical Services) OVGTSL 2012 Evansville, Indiana May 4, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Cheryl Blevens (Reference Instruction Librarian) Valentine Muyumba (Chair of Technical Services) OVGTSL 2012 Evansville, Indiana May 4, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cheryl Blevens (Reference Instruction Librarian) Valentine Muyumba (Chair of Technical Services) OVGTSL 2012 Evansville, Indiana May 4, 2012

2 “Through browsing collections, the library can foster reading beyond the curriculum and provide contact with ideas to which many students may not usually be exposed.” “What Has Happened to Browsing Collections in Academic Libraries?” By: Tom Kirk. Library Issues, May 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 5, pp. 1-4.


4  Acquisitions & Serials Department (7 staff)  Department Chair  Four LA-I’s  One LA-II  One LA-III  Cataloging & Serials Department (7 staff)  Department Chair  One Original Cataloger  Four LA-II’s  One LA-III  Processing/Mail Room/Facilities Department (1 staff)  One LA-I

5 TECHNICAL SERVICESREFERENCE  Reference Liaison  Acquisitions  Multiple Vendors  Acquisitions  Cataloging  Processing  Circulation  Stacks  Field purchase requests  Monitor multiple order sources  Fill out PRF’s  Update Excel “Orders” file  Manual duplicate check  Send PRFs to Acquisitions clerk

6 Reference Librarian AcquisitionsVendorsAcquisitionsCatalogingProcessingCirculationStacks

7  2.5 separate departments merged into a single department with three units  Department Chair:  Acquisitions (2 staff)  One LA-I and One LA-III  Cataloging & Serials (3.5 staff)  Two full time LA-II’s and one half time LA-II  Phased Retirement (2 staff)  Original cataloger  One LA-I

8  Over 50 years of experience leasing to libraries  Fast access to the hottest titles  One click to order  Fast and easy to catalog  Arrive shelf ready  Ability to return hot titles now grown cold

9  Determining needs  Quantity  MARC records?  Shelf ready  Signing the contract  Creating the profile  Preparing the Browsing Area

10 TECHNICAL SERVICESREFERENCE  Reference Liaison  Single vendor  Acquisitions  Cataloging  Circulation  Stacks  Field purchase requests  Click on links to reviews  Click on title to order  Click on “list” link for printed list of orders  Click on “check for duplicates” link  Click on “Place order”

11 Reference Librarian VendorAcquisitionsCatalogingCirculationStacks






17  Are we on the right track?  Circulation stats & satisfaction surveys  Moving into media lease plans  More workflow tweaking  Publicity Plans  Eye catching signage  Word of mouth comments  Student & staff book reviews  Articles in faculty and student newsletters  Conclusion  ISU Library + McNaughton = Success!

18  Hanken, Tamera. “Basic Values and the Future of Cataloging.” Presentations from an ALCTS/CCS Forum at ALA Midwinter in Seattle, January 2007. ALCTS website. Web. January 2007.  Kirk, Tom. “What Has Happened to Browsing Collections in Academic Libraries?.” Library Issues 30.5 (2010):1-4. Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text. Web. 2 May, 2012.  Library of Congress. “Library Reorganization Merges Acquisition and Cataloging Functions.” Library of Congress website. Web. November 13, 2008.  Odess-Harnish, Kerri. "Making Sense Of Leased Popular Literature Collections." Collection Management 27.2 (2002): 55. Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts with Full Text. Web. 2 May 2012.

19  Contact us    Please fill out the evaluation form in your packet

20 Thank you!

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