Lecture 5 Map design. Cartography Cartography is the art, science and technology of making maps together with their study as scientific documents and.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 5 Map design. Cartography Cartography is the art, science and technology of making maps together with their study as scientific documents and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 5 Map design

2 Cartography Cartography is the art, science and technology of making maps together with their study as scientific documents and works of art - British Cartographic Society The conception, the designing and the execution of the map – Robinson

3 Map process Reality Cartographer Map (replace reality with symbols) Map reader

4 What is a map? Real things

5 Real things reduced to points, lines, or polygons

6 Drawn with symbols in different colors

7 Types of Map Reference  Location and position of features Roads State capitols Time zones Thematic  Single theme, topic, attribute Population density Temperature variation Pickups per capita

8 Reference maps show locations

9 Thematic map show attributes

10 Colors and labels: Reference or Thematic?

11 Class or groups based on attribute value

12 Number of classes Eye sees up to 8 variations of one color Be careful

13 Classification methods Equal Interval  Equal range, 100-200, 200-300, 300-400  Some groups may not have objects in them Natural groups  Objects with similar values, make a group Quantile  Equal number of objects per group  5 groups, 50 states, 10 states per group Manual

14 Break points Define highest number in class Which classification method?

15 Quantile Add break points Total number divided by number of classes  58 California counties  5 classes  58/5 = 11 counties per class

16 Dot maps show density

17 Graduated symbols, bigger, more

18 Chart maps, piece size, reflects value

19 Pie size can be proportional

20 Thematic Map exercise

21 Parts of a map Neat line Legend Scale Credits North arrow Inset Ground Figure Title

22 Balance of map parts Title Here Title of my map Here Which is balanced?

23 Hierarchy – Front to Back Map topic should be forward

24 Which is forward? Land? Water?

25 No neatline

26 Many neatlines

27 Scale 1:1 1:10 Large Scale Small Scale 1:2

28 Large and small scale maps 1:30001:100,000 1:150,000,0001:300,000,000 Large Scale Small Scale

29 Scale and Generalization Raster and digitized outline, very detailed

30 Scale and Generalization Outline is very detailed with each pier

31 Scale and Generalization Yellow generalization for smaller scale maps

32 Scale and Generalization As you zoom out (smaller scale) all that detail isn’t needed and actually takes longer to draw

33 Date map created or data collected?

34 Graticule

35 What do these colors mean? Red Blue Green Brown Yellow

36 Color adds meaning

37 Beware of software’s default colors

38 Colors on a map Eye sees only 12 colors at a time Be careful

39 Number of classes Eye sees up to 8 variations of one color Be careful

40 Fonts, bold, wording, and size Distribution of Employment by State 1996 USA: Employment Distribution 1996 U.S. Employment America at Work Where the Jobs are Today

41 Labeling the legend Label should not be “Legend” What do the numbers mean

42 Bad map

43 Better map

44 What’s wrong with this map?

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