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Online Marketing & Social Media for Voluntary Organisations Mike Hughes Microsoft Ireland

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Presentation on theme: "Online Marketing & Social Media for Voluntary Organisations Mike Hughes Microsoft Ireland"— Presentation transcript:

1 Online Marketing & Social Media for Voluntary Organisations Mike Hughes Microsoft Ireland

2 Agenda Principles Understanding your audience Reaching your audience Social Media Channels Communications Platform Measuring Effectiveness

3 5 Principles 1.Deeply understand your audience 2.Set Communications Goals 3.Don’t be afraid to try stuff… 4.Measure everything 5.Make changes





8 Creating Awareness AdvertisingPR Online Presence Search Engine Online marketing

9 Direct Referral Search Engine



12 Your online presence



15 Engaging Visitors to Your Website Where is the value proposition (have I come to the right site? – why should I buy from you?) Where are the calls to action? How easy is It to buy your product/service/message? Can you stand behind what you claim – testimonials, accreditations, 3 rd Party validation Before you leave – give me your email address How many ways can I interact with the site?



18 AwarenessInterestActionAdvocacy Where does Social Media Fit?


20 Social Media Channels

21 “Change you can believe in” 2m My Space 6m Facebook 1.7m Twitter Obama Mobile Deadlines to test new ideas Engage and validate Move with the market place



24 Toms Shoes 24

25 What can I do with facebook? Create a page for my business Allow clients to find and “like” my page Post comments, photos, special offers, videos events Build a community of like minded individuals Find out what your customers think of you Advertise

26 Getting the most from facebook What is your story? Who is your target audience? Set up a page Link page to business address not personal Get a vanity URL Post regularly but vary what you post




30 Top Tweeters

31 What can I do with Twitter? Broadcast short messages (140 characters) Can include shortened links ( Build a network of followers Micro-blog on your chosen topics Use mobiles to tweet and receive tweets as well as desktop applications Follow tweeps who interest you Use the list function to create groups



34 Linked In Formed May 2003 170 Million Members >50% are US based Targeted at Business People

35 What can I do with Linked In Build a network of colleagues, friends, partners etc. Build a google searchable profile for you and the business Get recommendations from clients & colleagues Position yourself as an expert Recruit for employees/be recruited yourself Advertise & find sales leads

36 Get the best from Linked In Ask for recommendations/testimonials Build as big a network as possible Start answering & posing questions Create a vanity URL View my profile buttons Complete the profile!




40 eMail Communications

41 eZineBlog facebook YouTube Twitter Story & Value

42 Review value proposition and tenant segmentation Assign goalsMap out strategies and tacticsTimeline, resources & engagement Build the online presence – testing as you go

43 Employees Partners Clients Producer/ListenersServices Hootsuite facebook twitter Website Intranet Drop box Phone eMail PC/Laptop Mobile Public Access

44 Questions?

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