CHAPTER 6 Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250-600 The West Encounters and Transformations Levack/Muir/Veldman/Maas Pearson Education, Inc. publishing.

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1 CHAPTER 6 Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250-600 The West Encounters and Transformations Levack/Muir/Veldman/Maas Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007

2 Chapter 6: Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250-600 Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 I. Crisis and Recovery in the Third Century II. Christianizing the Empire III. New Christian Communities and Identities IV. The Breakup of the Roman Empire

3 Chapter 6: Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250-600 Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 I. Crisis and Recovery in the Third Century A. The Breakdown of the Imperial Government 235, assassination of Severus Alexander c.250-300 48 emperors Gallienus (253-268) longest reign Fragmentation B. Restoration of Order Diocletian (284-305) Reforms Tetrarchy 286, co-ruler Maximian 293, Caesars chosen Ceremony Army reorganized Wages, prices fixed Taxes increased Great Persecution

4 Chapter 6: Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250-600 Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 I. Crisis and Recovery in the Third Century C. Government and Society City councilors difficult position Coloni

5 Chapter 6: Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250-600 Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 II. Christianizing the Empire A. Constantine (c.280-337) 305, Diocletian and Maximian step down Galerius and Constantius succeed 306, Constantius dies Constantine succeeds 312, Milvian Bridge defeats Maxentius revelation Constantinople, 324 Theodosius II 413, walls

6 Chapter 6: Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250-600 Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 II. Christianizing the Empire B. Spread of Christianity Bishops Paul of Tarsus (c.5-67) role of priests pastoral role urban administration Metropolitan/archbishop Papacy bishops of Rome Peter, Paul C. Christianity and Rome St. Peter's Basilica Saint Paul Outside the Walls D. Old Gods Under Attack Constantius II (337-361) removes Altar of Victory from Senate House Julian the Apostate (360-363) Theodosius I (379-385) and Theodosius II (402-450) forbid polytheistic cults

7 Chapter 6: Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250-600 Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 III. New Christian Communities and Identities A. Doctrine and Heresy Christological debate nature of Trinity, of Christ Arians (Arius of Alexandria, c. 250-336) Jesus subordinate to God the Father Athanasians Athanasius of Alexandria (293-373) Jesus equal to God the Father, also human Council of Nicaea, 325 Constantine Nicene Creed Athanasian 451, Council of Chalcedon reaffirms Nicene Creed A. Doctrine and Heresy Jerome 410, Vulgate Bible Orthodox Christianity Septuagint Greek Old Testament Monophysites anti-Chalcedonian Armenia Copts, Egypt Syriac church Arians Goths

8 Chapter 6: Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250-600 Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 III. New Christian Communities and Identities B. Monastic Movement Antony c. 280, abandons property Athanasius' Life of Antony Asceticism (= discipline) Anchorites, hermits Monasticism Pachomius (c.292-346) Basil of Caesarea (c.330-379) guidelines John Cassian (c.365-c.433) Gaul Benedict of Nursia (c.480-547) Rule Women Melania the Younger (383-439) Models: Eve and Mary C. Jews Attacks on Synagogues 429, office of Jewish Patriarch abolished D. Pilgrimage relics E. Intellectual Life Curriculum: trivium: grammar, logical argument, rhetoric quadrivium: geometry, arithmetic, astronomy, music Augustine of Hippo (354-430) Confessions 397 City of God, 423 Neoplatonism Plotinus (205-270)

9 Chapter 6: Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250-600 Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 IV. The Breakup of the Roman Empire A. Western Provinces Huns 376, drive Visigoths west 278, Visigoths in Empire revolt Adrianople, Valens killed Theodosius the Great (379-395) Visigoths allowed into army 401, Alaric invades repelled by Stilicho 410, sacks Rome Britain Saxons 406, Rhine freezes 418, Visigoths allowed into Aquitania by 450, independent

10 Chapter 6: Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250-600 Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 IV. The Breakup of the Roman Empire A. Western Provinces Huns 376, drive Visigoths west 278, Visigoths in Empire revolt Adrianople, Valens killed Theodosius the Great (379-395) Visigoths allowed into army 401, Alaric invades repelled by Stilicho 410, sacks Rome Britain Saxons 406, Rhine freezes 418, Visigoths allowed into Aquitania by 450, independent

11 Chapter 6: Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250-600 Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 IV. The Breakup of the Roman Empire A. Western Provinces Vandals, into Spain, North Africa 476, Odovacar deposes Romulus Augustulus Attila, 434-453 450, invades Gaul 451, Catalaunian Fields Transformations Germans - Arians Romans - Chalcedonian Theodoric the Ostrogoth (493-526)

12 Chapter 6: Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250-600 Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 IV. The Breakup of the Roman Empire B. Eastern Empire Justinian (527-565) Theodora Corpus of Civil Law: Justinian Code Digest Institutes Novels Western Provinces 533, sends Belisarius 542, plague strikes Persia Sasanian dynasty (c.220-633) Justinian v. Chosroes I

13 Chapter 6: Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250-600 Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 IV. The Breakup of the Roman Empire B. Eastern Empire Justinian (527-565) Theodora Corpus of Civil Law: Justinian Code Digest Institutes Novels Western Provinces 533, sends Belisarius 542, plague strikes Persia Sasanian dynasty (c.220-633) Justinian v. Chosroes I

14 Chapter 6: Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250-600 Levack et al., The West: Encounters and Transformations Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Longman, Copyright 2007 IV. The Breakup of the Roman Empire B. Eastern Empire Justinian (527-565) Theodora Corpus of Civil Law: Justinian Code Digest Institutes Novels Western Provinces 533, sends Belisarius 542, plague strikes Persia Sasanian dynasty (c.220-633) Justinian v. Chosroes I

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