Facts about Nutrients Objectives: Food affects the way you feel There is a difference between hunger and appetite There are important factors that affect.

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2 Facts about Nutrients

3 Objectives: Food affects the way you feel There is a difference between hunger and appetite There are important factors that affect food choices There are nutrients from foods that have functions in your body There are food sources for each of these nutrients

4 Affects of Your Diet Nutrients are important for body growth and maintenance Diet is everything you eat These both affect how you look, feel, and your food choices Nutrients/ Diet Look Good Feel Good Food Choices

5 What Determines Food Choices Weight control Health Food costs Family background Advertisements Emotion Nutrition knowledge Peers Customs/ethnicity Physical activity level Busy schedule Convenience/time

6 Nutrition The science of food and it relation to health. How chemicals in foods are used by the body.

7 Nutrients The main components of food. There are over 40 nutrients in your body. There are six basic nutrient groups

8 Nutrient Groups Carbohydrates Fats Protein These 3 provide energy (calories) and are used for various body functions. Vitamins Minerals Water These 3 provide no energy, but are essential to life.

9 Carbohydrates Provides quick energy and fuel for most cells in the body Provide 4 kcals/gram Complex and Simple Provides fiber Indigestible – from whole grains and fruit and vegetable skins Food sources Sugary foods and Sweets Fruits and vegetables Dairy foods Breads and grains and pasta

10 Fats Provides concentrated energy, 9 calories per gram Supplies essential fatty acids for growth and healthy skin Keeps your body warm Cushions and protects internal organs Part of all cell membranes Transports fat soluble vitamins Food sources: Butter, Oils,... “Cream”, Doughnuts, Fried foods

11 Fat Recommendations Fat is needed but not in excessive amounts Excesses lead to obesity, heart disease Saturated fats believed to be related to heart disease Dietary guidelines recommend fat to provide no more than 30% of total calorie intake.

12 Protein Provides 4 calories per gram Help build muscles, cells and tissues (Major component) Forms part of hormones, enzymes and antibodies Needed for growth and repair of tissues Secondary source of energy Rich food sources include: Meats, Poultry, Fish, Milk products Other sources include: Nuts and Dry beans

13 Vitamins Help keep your body working right – Controls reactions and regulates the body’s systems. Needed in small amounts Each vitamin has specific functions Food sources include: Fruits, Vegetables, Breads/cereals, Milk and Meat Vitamins: A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K niacin riboflavin thiamin

14 Minerals Help with body maintenance and regulate body systems. Major structural component of the body (skeleton) Forms many enzymes in body functions Some needed in larger amounts and some in smaller amounts, but equally important Examples: Calcium, Iron, Zinc, Iodine Food sources: Breads/cereals, Meats and Milk products

15 Water Most vital of all nutrients Gives your body needed fluids (Can survive without others much longer than water) Regulates body temperature Removes body wastes Lubricates joints Cushions organs Food sources: All kinds of foods, Liquid foods, Drinks, beverages, Soups, Fruits and Vegetables Drink 8 glasses of clean water each day.

16 Nutrients Often Lacking in Teen Diets Calcium Iron Zinc Vitamin A Vitamin C Folate

17 Calcium If deficient: Possible porous or brittle bones later in life -- osteoporosis Good sources: Milk products, yogurt, cheese. Cottage cheese Dark green leafy veggies Sardines and salmon with bones

18 IRON If deficient: Iron deficiency anemia w/ symptoms such as tiredness, weakness Especially common in girls Good sources: Liver, red meats Enriched fortified or whole grain breads/ cereals Dried beans/peas Leafy green vegetables Dried fruit Egg yolk Iron helps carry oxygen in blood

19 ZINC If deficient: Growth retardation Often a problem in vegetarians Good sources: Meat, liver Eggs Sea food Whole grain cereals Poultry

20 VITAMIN A If deficient: Visual problems May increase susceptibility to some cancers, skin lung and bladder Most processed snack foods/fast foods are low in Vit. A Good sources: Liver Carrots, sweet potatoes Dark green leafy veggies Peaches, apricots, cantaloupe Egg yolk

21 VITAMIN C If deficient: Scurvy; swollen, bleeding gums, loose teeth Tiny hemorrhages in skin Decreased appetite and growth Lack of fresh fruits/veggies Good sources: Citrus fruits, strawberries, cantaloupe Dark green leafy, veggies, broccoli, cabbage, green peppers Potatoes

22 FOLATE If deficient: Anemia with symptoms similar to iron deficiency NTD Good sources: Dark green leafy veggies Legumes Whole grain cereals Oranges

23 Megadosing Too much of a vitamin Can cause symptoms of illness or even death in extreme cases.

24 Summary Think about your food choices. YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT! Nutrients are food components essential to your health. Eat a variety of foods, use moderation.

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