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Jot down what you remember about plot structure and types of conflicts in literature. Entry Task.

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Presentation on theme: "Jot down what you remember about plot structure and types of conflicts in literature. Entry Task."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jot down what you remember about plot structure and types of conflicts in literature. Entry Task

2 PLOT Exposition: Sets up the story. Conflict, setting, characters. Rising Action: The actions and reactions in the plot that move the story along towards the climax. This is where the protagonist faces complications. Climax: the turning point in the story. The event/decision that will lead to the resolution of the conflict. It is not always the most exciting part. Falling Action: Characters react to the climax. Resolution: Conflict is resolved and the loose ends are tied up.

3 Types of Conflict Person vs. Society Person vs. Self Person vs. Person Person vs. Fate Person vs. Nature Person vs. Machine

4 Central conflict It is often hard to determine, as there are typically many conflicts within a story. Must be resolved, though not always positively, by the end of the story. Is often connected to most of the other conflicts within the story.

5 Hardest part of plot identification Central conflict. Often there are multiple “conflicts” within a story, so it’s often difficult to identify and analyze a Central Conflict. Words of Wisdom – If it wasn’t resolved (even negatively), it’s not the conflict. If it was resolved in the middle of the novel, it probably wasn’t the central conflict. If it didn’t show up until the end of the novel, it’s probably not the central conflict. If it’s not a conflict the protagonist has to deal with, it’s not a central conflict. Sometimes, working backwards makes it easier. – How did the author end the story? What was resolved, and what wasn’t? If that’s the resolution, then what was the conflict.

6 Application- in your journal Individually, – Determine what type of conflict the central conflict of the novel is. – Determine protagonist and antagonist (is the antagonist a person, society, self, nature?) – Then determine what you think the central conflict is. – Write out, in a complete sentence what the central conflict is. “Ship Breaker’s central conflict is_____” “Ship Breaker’s protagonist, Nailer, must overcome ___” After reading Ship Breaker, it becomes clear that the central conflict is ______”

7 Part 2- on poster paper With a partner, discuss the central conflict you each identified, and choose one. Create a plot line. Each section needs to include important information and specifics from Ship Breaker. – Exposition: identify setting, main characters, etc. – Rising Action: significant events and situations that complicate life/make resolving the conflict difficult; put in order. – Climax: identify the decision/event that leads to resolution of the conflict. *Is there a crisis leading to the climax? – Resolution: how did the author wrap up the story? How did the resolution resolve the conflict?

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