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Bell Work Journal "I have never been more frightened than when...“ 1 paragraph with 4 sentences minimum.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work Journal "I have never been more frightened than when...“ 1 paragraph with 4 sentences minimum."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work Journal "I have never been more frightened than when...“ 1 paragraph with 4 sentences minimum

2 Bell Work Journal Persuade a friend to give up drugs. 1 paragraph with 4 sentences minimum

3 Setting  The time and place of the story’s action.  When???  Where???

4 Characters  Protagonist - The central character in a story; usually the action revolves around this character.  Antagonist - A person or force that opposes the protagonist.

5 Types of Conflict   External – Struggle between the character and an outside force.   Internal – Struggle within the mind of the character. (A decision)

6 Identifying the Elements of A Plot Diagram Student Notes

7 Plot (definition)  Plot is the sequence of events that make up a story. Every plot is made up of a series of incidents that are related to one another.

8 Plot Diagram 2 1 3 4 5

9 1. Exposition  Occurs at the beginning of a short story. Characters, setting, and conflict (main problem) are introduced.

10 2. Rising Action  This part of the story begins to develop the conflict(s). Builds interest or suspense.

11 3. Climax  Turning point of the story. Point of highest interest or suspense.

12 4. Falling Action  All loose ends of the plot are tied up. Reveals how the character solves the problem.

13 5. Resolution  The story comes to a reasonable end.

14 Putting It All Together 1. Exposition 2. Rising Action 3. Climax 4. Falling Action 5. Resolution Beginning of Story Middle of Story End of Story

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