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Hybrid Creatures A mixture of two or more organic and inorganic subjects to create a new subject.

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Presentation on theme: "Hybrid Creatures A mixture of two or more organic and inorganic subjects to create a new subject."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hybrid Creatures A mixture of two or more organic and inorganic subjects to create a new subject


3 Decoration of helmet, VI century A.D., representing the transformation of a warrior in wolf during the battle, with reference to the God Odin, God of the wisdom and the war of Nordic mythology, with which the wolves were associated.

4 Eskimo Mask of the end of the 1800's

5 Man turtle, between the many sculptures of hybrids man-animal of the azteca culture

6 sang won sungsang won sung is a korean born artist that works in brazil. his work combines different parts from objects and pieces them together to create hybrid toys. most of the parts come from toys, however some come from household objects like kitchen utensils

7 Jacob Epstein “Torso” 1914 metal parts

8 ?imgurl=http://fashionartiste.file re-the-wild-things- are.jpg&imgrefurl=http://fashio 2/15/sylvester-range-due-in- any-day- now/&usg=__9soQz0uFThyAB XERg5cuNEySvHw=&h=482& w=473&sz=83&hl=en&start=2 &itbs=1&tbnid=H- GTLuYL7T2G- M:&tbnh=129&tbnw=127&prev =/images%3Fq%3Dwhere%2B the%2Bwild%2Bthings%2Bare %26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%2 6tbs%3Disch:1

9 Exercise 1: Please list the numerous hybrid origins found in Maurice Sendak’s “Where the Wild Things Are”

10 GFso&feature=related s/3.4cohen.html Yellow Submarine wY98&feature=related The Beatles

11 Color: Element of Art Characteristics: *Represents meaning (culturally dictated) *Affects psyche *Has temperature 3 Primary: Red, Yellow, and Blue 3 Secondary: *Orange= Red + Yellow *Green= Yellow + Blue *Purple= Blue + Red

12 6 Tertiary or Intermediate colors: *Red-Purple *Red-Orange *Blue-Green *Blue-Purple *Yellow-Orange *Yellow-Green

13 Color Schemes Monochromatic: one hue and it’s corresponding tints and shades. Tint= hue + white and Shade = hue + black Analagous: one color and the colors next to it on the color wheel that are related. Ex. Blue, blue- purple, purple and red-purple


15 Uses for Complementary Colors To create a focal point or emphasis: when placed next to each other, the colors create an area of visual interest because they contrast in temperature and due to the fact that they are not related. To tone down the intensity of another color: small amounts of complement placed on top of a color will lesson the brightness of the base color. To make brown or gray: mixing complements will create gray if you use more of the cooler color and brown if you use more of the warm color

16 Split complementary: one color and the 2 colors on either side of it’s complement Triad: the 3 primary colors or the 3 secondary colors: all share same color intensity.

17 Emphasis Definition: the focal point or dominant area of artwork Ways to create: -placement near center -size variation -color -unusual -contrasting element

18 Ways to create: -use of monochromatic or analagous color scheme -repetition of an element -repetition of a subject -incidental border Harmony/Unity: Principle of Design: all elements used are related and give whole artwork a cohesive appearance

19 Proportion : Principle of Design:The spatial measurement relationships 3 types: -Regular: what nature/perception set would repeat -Distorted: bent at an unusual angle -Exaggerated: measurement of one part out of regular range. Ex. Foreshortening: the extreme depth perception caused by one part of subject extremely close up and other parts smaller, at distance

20 Problem to Solve: How can your group create a Hybrid creature sculpture that moves? Things to think about: *What subjects will you hybrid and why? *What movement will you focus upon and how? *What materials will you utilize and why? *Think about the requirements, but remember…..options are limitless!

21 Requirements are on the group worksheet! Remember to use them! Take 10 minutes with your group and analyze the symbolic nature of your subjects & how they interact to create a new meaning as a hybrid

22 Exercise 1: Rube Goldberg affect v=lCYg_gz4fDo v=lCYg_gz4fDo The domino affect! Your mission: Create a “domino” affect on your table!

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