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Father’s care in a childhood perspective Gunhild R. Farstad NOVA/Háskola Islands.

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1 Father’s care in a childhood perspective Gunhild R. Farstad NOVA/Háskola Islands

2  Essay for the course: Childhood, changing contexts (Arnlaug Leira and Chiara Saraceno)  Article about fatherhood practices

3 The Norwegian parental leave  46/56 weeks leave  3+6 weeks reserved for mothers  2 week leave for fathers around the birth  10 weeks reserved “father’s quota”

4 Equal parenthood  Win-win situation  Both re-familization and de- familization

5 Mothers work life participation  Waldfogel (2000): studies of formal care in infancy  Esping- Andersen (2002): positive spill- over effect for the family

6 Fathers leave; the benefit for children  Much focus on fathers experiences  Length of leave = participating father?  Pleck (2007): integrated ecological- parental capital approach

7 My research  No direct relationship between length of leave and the way fathers shape their fathering practices.  Relates to different “contracts”  E.g. same leave; different “outcome”

8  Doucet (2009): “A constant dance of connection that changes for each child and each parent over the course of each year”

9  O’Brien (2009) Possible polarization between infants being born into parental leave- rich vs. parental leave poor families or counties.

10 Literature  Doucet, A. (2009). “Dad and Baby in the First Year: Gendered Responsibilities and Embodiment” The Annals of the American Academy of Political an Social Science 2009; 624  Esping- Andersen, G. (2002) “Ch. 2: A Child- Centered Social Investment Strategy” in Why We Need a New Welfare State 2002  James, A. and Prout, A. (2005) “Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood 2nd edition,  Leira, A. (2008). “Childcare in Scandinavia. Parental Responsibility and Social Right” LHomme: European Journal of Feminist History 19 (1) 2008  Leira, A. and Saraceno, C. (edts.) (2008). Childhood: Changing Context. Comparative Social Research, Volume 25.  O’Brien, M. (2009). “Fathers, Parental Leave Policies, and Infant Quality of Life: International Perspectives and Policy Impact” The Annals of the American Academy of Political an Social Science, 2009, 624  Pleck, J. (2007). “Why Could Father Involvement Benefit Children? Theoretical Perspectives” Applied Development Science 2007 11 (4)  Waldfogel, J. (2000). ”Childcare, Womens Employment and Child Outcomes” Journal of Population Economics 15 2002

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