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Metals and Alloys. Properties of Metals  Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.  Metals are shiny.  Metals are ductile (can be stretched.

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Presentation on theme: "Metals and Alloys. Properties of Metals  Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.  Metals are shiny.  Metals are ductile (can be stretched."— Presentation transcript:

1 Metals and Alloys

2 Properties of Metals  Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.  Metals are shiny.  Metals are ductile (can be stretched into thin wires).  Metals are malleable (can be pounded into thin sheets).  A chemical property of metal is its reaction with water which results in corrosion.

3 Metals  Test the different properties of metals

4 Below are s ome common metals, their properties and uses. MetalPropertiesUses Aluminium Lightweight Resistant to corrosion Window frames Aircraft Electric cables Copper Very good conductor of heat and electricity Easy to shape into pipes or wires Water pipes Electrical wires Cooking utensils Coins Lead Absorbs harmful radiation Heavy Screens for X- ray departments Sinkers for fishing

5 Alloys  What would we do with out them

6 Alloys Alloys are formed when different metals are melted down and mixed together and then allowed to cool. The alloys produced may have different properties to the metals that they are composed of. Some common alloys are bronze, stainless steel, and solder. AlloyCompositionPropertiesUses Bronze Copper Tin Zinc Resistant to corrosion Harder and stronger than copper Parts of ships decks and propellers Stainless steel Iron, Chromium NickelVery strong Very resistant to corrosion Surgical equipment, Cutlery Sinks Duralumin Aluminium, Copper, Manganese Magnesium Very light Harder than steel Aircraft Racing bikes

7 Make an Alloy  In the fume cupboard make an alloy  Read the instructions carefully so you don’t get hurt.

8 Reactivity of metals  Which metal is the most reactive.Order the metals according to their reactivity.

9 What does it mean to be reactive?  Elements that are reactive bond easily with other elements to make compounds.  Some elements are only found in nature bonded with other elements.  What makes an element reactive?  An incomplete valence electron shell.  All atoms (except hydrogen) want to have 8 electrons in their very outermost energy level (This is called the rule of octet.)  Atoms bond until this level is complete. Atoms with few valence electrons lose them during bonding. Atoms with 6, 7, or 8 valence electrons gain electrons during bonding.

10 Metals Fish bone Summary  In groups discuss and summaries what you have learnt from your different activities on metal onto the fish bone diagram. OR  An Oral presentation of what you have learnt about metals

11 Reflection  Update your concept map with what you learnt about Metals in today’s lesson.  In your workbook write down which activity you choose to do and why?

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