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Newton’s 1 st Law Newton’s 2 nd Law Newton’s 3 rd Law Gravity Grab Bag $100100 $100100 $100100 $100100 $100100 $200200 $300300 $500500 $400400 $500500.

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Presentation on theme: "Newton’s 1 st Law Newton’s 2 nd Law Newton’s 3 rd Law Gravity Grab Bag $100100 $100100 $100100 $100100 $100100 $200200 $300300 $500500 $400400 $500500."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newton’s 1 st Law Newton’s 2 nd Law Newton’s 3 rd Law Gravity Grab Bag $100100 $100100 $100100 $100100 $100100 $200200 $300300 $500500 $400400 $500500 $400400 $300300 $200200 $300300 $200200 $400400 $500500 $300300 $200200 $400400 $500500 $300300 $200200 $400400 $500500

2 Newton's 1st Law- $100 Objects in motion will ______ in motion unless acted on by an unbalanced force.

3 Newton's 1st Law- $100 What is remain? Back

4 Newton's 1st Law- $200 The ability of an object to resist a change in motion.

5 Newton's 1st Law- $200 What is inertia? Back

6 Newton's 1st Law- $300 Two people are pushing a crate in opposite directions One is pushing to the left with 50N. The other is pushing right with 45N. What direction is the box moving?

7 Newton's 1st Law- $300 What is left (with 5N)? Back

8 Newton's 1st Law- $400 A ball is rolling across the hall. No one touches it. Describe what will happen to the ball.

9 Newton's 1st Law- $400 What is it will eventually stop due to friction? Back

10 Newton's 1st Law- $500 Explain the following in terms of the 1 st Law: To dislodge ketchup from the bottom of a ketchup bottle, it is often turned upside down and, shaken downward at high speeds and then abruptly halted.

11 Newton's 1st Law- $500 Because of inertia, when the bottle is stopped abruptly the ketchup will continue to move in a downward direction. Back

12 Newton's 2nd Law - $100 This is the formula that goes with the 2 nd Law.

13 Newton's 2nd Law - $100 What is Force = Mass x Acceleration? Back

14 Newton's 2nd Law - $200 Calculate the for force of an object with a mas of 5kg moving 10 m/s/s.

15 Newton's 2nd Law - $200 What is 50N? Back

16 Newton's 2nd Law - $300 You are pushing a friend on a sled. You push with a force of 75 N. Your friend and the sled together have a mass of 37.5 kg. Determine the acceleration of the sled?

17 Newton's 2nd Law - $300 What is 2 m/s/s? Back

18 Newton's 2nd Law - $400 Gravity accelerates any object falling at 9.8 m/s 2. What is the force that will be applied to the ground if an 88 kg box falls from the top of a shelf to the ground

19 Newton's 2nd Law - $400 What is 862.4N? Back

20 Newton's 2nd Law - $500 200N of force is exerted on a object moving at 10 m/s/s. Determine the mass of the object.

21 Newton's 2nd Law - $500 What is 20 kg? Back

22 Newton's 3rd Law - $100 For every action, there is an _____ and ____ reaction.

23 Newton's 3rd Law - $100 What is equal and opposite? Back

24 Newton's 3rd Law - $200 Action and reaction forces _____cancel each other out.

25 Newton's 3rd Law - $200 What is do not? Back

26 Newton's 3rd Law - $300 The same force acts on two objects with different masses. Determine which mass will have a higher acceleration.

27 Newton's 3rd Law - $300 What is the object with less mass? Back

28 Newton's 3rd Law - $400 Newton’s third law only applies forces acting on ______ objects.

29 Newton's 3rd Law - $400 What is two? Back

30 Newton's 3rd Law - $500 Describe how a squid is able to move through the water.

31 Newton's 3rd Law - $500 The squid expels water (action force) and the water pushes back on the squid (reaction force) propelling it through the water. Back

32 Gravity - $100 This is the force that pulls all objects toward each other.

33 Gravity - $100 What is gravity? Back

34 Gravity - $200 This is the rate at which objects free fall.

35 Gravity - $200 What is 9.8 m/s/s? Back

36 Gravity - $300 An object thrown will fall _ ___ ___ ___ as an object that is dropped.

37 Gravity - $300 What is “at the same time”? Back

38 Gravity - $400 This can affect the free fall of an object.

39 Gravity - $400 What is air resistance? Back

40 Gravity - $500 This is the measure of the pull of gravity on objects.

41 Gravity - $500 What is weight? Back

42 Grab Bag - $100 This causes the planets to stay in orbit around the sun.

43 Grab Bag - $100 What is gravity? Back

44 Grab Bag - $200 On the moon, our mass remains the ___.

45 Grab Bag - $200 What is same? Back

46 Grab Bag - $300 On the moon, our _______ changes due to the different pull of gravity.

47 Grab Bag - $300 What is weight? Back

48 Grab Bag - $400 This law states that the force of gravity acts between all objects in the universe.

49 Grab Bag - $400 What is The Law of Universal Gravitation? Back

50 Grab Bag - $500 Explain how astronauts are able to land on the moon.

51 Grab Bag - $500 What is the moon’s gravitational pull is stronger than the Earth’s? Back

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