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FORCE Chapter 10 Text. Force A push or a pull in a certain direction SI Unit = Newton (N)

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Presentation on theme: "FORCE Chapter 10 Text. Force A push or a pull in a certain direction SI Unit = Newton (N)"— Presentation transcript:

1 FORCE Chapter 10 Text

2 Force A push or a pull in a certain direction SI Unit = Newton (N)

3 Combining Forces The combination of all forces acting on an object is the Net Force.

4 When forces act in the SAME DIRECTION = ADDITION


6 Balanced Forces result in NO MOVEMENT


8 = 0

9 Unbalanced forces cause a change in the object’s motion.

10 =

11 =


13 Friction and Gravity Friction – the force that two surfaces exert on each other when they rub

14 Types of Friction 1. Static Friction 2. Sliding Friction 3. Rolling Friction 4. Fluid Friction

15 Static Friction Friction that acts on objects that are NOT moving

16 Sliding Friction Occurs when two surfaces slide over each other

17 Rolling Friction Occurs when an object rolls across a surface

18 Fluid Friction Occurs when solid objects moves through fluids such as water, oil, or air

19 Friction depends on two factors: 1. How hard the surfaces push together

20 2. The type of surfaces involved

21 Gravity A force that pulls objects toward each other

22 2 Factors Affecting Gravity 1. Distance 2. Mass

23 If Distance Increases the force of gravity Decreases

24 Mass The amount of matter in an object

25 If mass increases, the force of gravity increases

26 Mass vs. Weight Mass is Constant because of the amount of matter does not change

27 The force of gravity on a person or object at the surface of a planet is known as weight.

28 Weight varies with the strength of the gravitational force, mass does not.

29 Gravity and Motion Free fall – when the only force acting on a falling object is gravity

30 Acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s/s

31 All objects in free fall accelerate at the SAME rate regardless of their masses

32 Why don’t objects fall at the same rate?

33 Air Resistance Falling objects with a greater surface area experience more air resistance.

34 Terminal Velocity Reached when the force of air resistance equals the weight of the object

35 Newton’s Laws of Motion

36 Newton’s 1 st Law an object at rest will remain at rest, an object in motion will stay in motion UNLESS acted upon by another force.

37 Inertia Resistance to a change in motion Newton’s 1 st Law

38 Inertia depends on mass, the greater the mass the greater the inertia

39 Newton’s 2 nd Law Force = mass x acc.

40 Acceleration =Net Force Mass

41 End Unit for Acceleration kgm/s/s Kgm/s 2 Newton


43 Textbook samples


45 Calculating: Calculate the slope of the graph. What does the slope tell you about the object’s motion?

46 The slope is 9.8. The speed increases by 9.8 m/s each second.

47 – What will the speed of the object be at 6 seconds? 58.8 m/s

48 A speedboat pulls a 55- kg water-skier. The force causes the skier to accelerate at 2.0 m/s 2. Calculate the force that causes this acceleration.

49 F net = m X a = 55 kg X 2.0 m/s 2 F = 110 kg m/s 2 F = 110 N

50 What is the net force on a 1,000-kg object accelerating at 3 m/s 2 ?

51 Force = m x acc. (1,000 kg X 3 m/s 2 ) 3,000 N

52 What net force is needed to accelerate a 25-kg cart at 14 m/s 2 ?

53 Force = mass x acc. (25 kg X 14 m/s 2 ) 350 N


55 Newton’s 3 rd Law For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

56 Momentum Momentum = Mass x Velocity End Unit = kg m/s

57 Conservation of Momentum The total momentum of any group of objects remains the same, or is conserved, unless outside forces act on the objects

58 Which has more momentum: a 3.0-kg sledgehammer swung at 1.5 m/s or a 4.0-kg sledgehammer swung at 0.9 m/s?

59 Momentum = Mass X Velocity Smaller sledgehammer = 3.0 km X 1.5 m/s = 4.5 kgm/s Larger sledgehammer = 4.0 km X 0.9 m/s = 3.6 kgm/s

60 A golf ball travels at 16 m/s, while a baseball moves at 7 m/s. The mass of the golf ball is 0.045 kg and the mass of the baseball is 0.14 kg. Which has the greater momentum?

61 Golf ball: 0.045 kg X 16 m/s = 0.72 kgm/s Baseball: 0.14 kg X 7 m/s = 0.98 kgm/s The baseball has greater momentum.

62 What is the momentum of a bird with a mass of 0.018 kg flying at 15 m/s?

63 (0.018 kg X 15 m/s = 0.27 kgm/s



66 Energy Chapter 13

67 Energy The ability to do work

68 2 Kinds of Energy 1. Kinetic Energy 2. Potential Energy

69 Kinetic Energy Energy of MOTION

70 Kinetic energy increases as mass and velocity increases

71 Potential Energy Stored Energy

72 Gravitational potential energy increases as weight and height increase.


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