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Cultural Characteristics

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Characteristics"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Characteristics
India & Southeast Asia Cultural Characteristics

2 Is the population of this region evenly distributed?
No, there are some areas that are very densely populated and others where the population is sparse.

3 What country has the 2nd largest population in the world?
India (Five of the ten most densely populated cities in the world are in India.)

4 What are 2 types of areas in this region that tend to be sparsely populated?
Mountains Rainforest

5 Rural vs. Urban … Which area tends to be less developed?

6 Rural vs. Urban … Which area tends to be more densely populated?

7 Rural vs. Urban … Which area tends to be more advanced in technology?

8 Which religion features reincarnation, dharma, karma & the caste system?

9 Hinduism is the major religion in which two countries?
India & Nepal

10 What is the major religion in Indonesia, Pakistan and Bangladesh?

11 What is the 3rd largest religion in India (after Hinduism & Islam)?

12 What religion features the four noble truths and nirvana?

13 What country has the largest percentage of its population that is Buddhist?

14 What is a common theme found in the holidays or festivals of Southeast Asia?
Respect for Ancestors

15 What two religious groups have a long history of conflict in India and Pakistan?
Hindus & Muslims

16 What type of fabric is intermingles with the life & culture of India?

17 Which of the following pictures features typical jewelry of India?

18 What is the name of the fabric featured in the pictures below?

19 Which of the following pictures features typical carvings of India?

20 What is the name of the monument featured in the picture below?
Taj Mahal

21 A Muslim Emperor in the 1600’s
Who built the Taj Mahal? A Muslim Emperor in the 1600’s

22 What is the name of the monument featured in the picture below?
Angkor Wat

23 A Cambodian king in the 12th century
Who built Angkor Wat? A Cambodian king in the 12th century

24 What country is known for its floating markets?

25 What is the name of the building used by the Muslim people for worship?

26 What is the name of the building used by the Hindu & Buddhist people for worship?

27 Where is New Delhi located?

28 BONUS: Where is Bangkok located?

29 BONUS: Where is Jakarta located?

30 BONUS: Where is Ho Chi Minh City (formerly called Saigon) located?

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